Chapter Fourteen: Back with the Countrykids!!!

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A/N: FOOTBALL,  SOCCER BALL, SAME THING. DEPENDING ON WHO IS INTERACTING WITH IT, IT'LL CHANGE. I'm just sayin' this for the other American peeps out there who might get confused. Also slight gore warning.

3rd person's POV

"I have a theory!" Squeaked America.

"What is it this time, America?" Said Germany, who had been listening to America's crackpot ideas for the past ten minutes.

The countrykids were walking towards the daycare, having been allowed to run ahead by their three caretakers. Poland was trying to fly, China was teasing Russia, North Korea was glaring at an oblivious South Korea, who was fanboying with Japan over the pictures they had gotten that day. Canada and Ukraine were talking about flowers, walking hand in hand with each other, something Japan soon saw and took pictures of.

America continued his idea excitedly. "What if we are all just characters in a book, that-"

Germany cut him off. "-aaaaand I don't want to hear anymore. That's crazy, America."

America pouted, but brightened up when he saw the daycare around the next bend. "HAAAAAAAMBUUURGEEERRRRRSSS!!!!!" He bellowed, running towards the brightly colored building as fast as his little legs could take him...

...Until he tripped on a soccer ball and went flying into another kid up ahead, knocking them over and faceplanting on the sidewalk.


"Hey! What gives?" 

America lifted his face up from the pavement and looked at the new voice.

Three new kids were staring down at him with confused expressions. America immediately shot up, excited to meet new friends.


"You're loud..." Said one of them. Her flag consisted of three horizontal stripes, a mustard yellow one on top of a navy blue, on top of a cherry red. She had a design on the center of her flag, and in the top left corner. "...I like it!! Let's be amigos!!!" Translation: Friends. "Me llamo Venezuela!" Translation: My name is Venezuela!

Venezuela had a pink orchid tucked behind one ear, and she wore a white t-shirt, with blue jean shorts. A taller boy with a green flag picked up the football. He had a yellow diamond on his flag with a navy blue design in the center. He was wearing a backwards baseball cap that was navy blue, and a mustard yellow football jersey, along with some black Adidas shorts.

Venezuela grabbed America's hand and shook it wildly. America winced at the girl's powerful grip. She let go, and the other boy with the football walked up to them. "Olá amigo!!!" Translation: Hello friend!!!  "I'm Brazil!!"

"AND I'M PHILLIPIIIIIIINNNNESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!" America was knocked over again as an energetic little boy crashed into him. 

Philippines giggled on top of America. He had a blue top half of his flag, and a red bottom. The whole left side was dominated by a white triangle with a sun in it. He had a black jacket with cool red patches, and a white stripe with a sun. He wore black jean shorts, and there was a red bandanna around his neck.

"What's up Joe?!?"

America looked confused at this. "Uhm, I think you are thinking of someone name's not Joe."

Philippines beamed at him. "Well I'm still going to call you Joe!!! You look like a Joe to me!!"

"Well you look like a......PIP!!!"

Crazy Countrykids!!! {Countryhumans Daycare AU}Where stories live. Discover now