Chapter Twenty Five: I, am Arx

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A/N: If y'all haven't noticed by now, I suck at taking breaks.

My art btw


Please don't kill me

3rd person's POV

"...Kill them."

An0n's eyes widened. Her stomach dropped in terror and guilt. Tears filled her eyes and she placed a hand on the bars.

It was her fault.

The Readers were just minding their own business, and even if they were happy to join the story once again, it still placed them in danger. 

And now, they were faced with death.

And it was all.



If she could just control her stories, if she was only strong enough to be in charge of the book's fate, instead of the other way around, then they wouldn't be in this situation. 

No other authors as far as she knew had this problem.

What was wrong with her???

A scuffle in the hallway caused the author to raise her head in hopes. 

Hopes that were swiftly dashed when a tied up Shelly was forced onto the room at gunpoint, along with Pheonix, an old friend of hers that helped her in School of Secrets.

Angel gasped and ran to the edge of the cage. Shelly was bruised and bloodied, she had a split lip, a black eye, and bruises all around her body. 

The guard nudged Pheonix sharply with the gun. "Found this one wandering 'round the premises, sir."

The orange-eyed boy nodded in approval, and the gold banded Darkguards put a gun up to their heads. "Come out now single-file, and put these cuffs on." He said, kicking a box of power-dampening cuffs towards the cage door.

N0na closed her eyes weakly. She knew that with the power dampening devices limiting her energy access, and therefore killing her slowly, she would not last too much longer. Ari wasn't doing so well either, and neither were the other shadow Readers.

The cage door opened, and Kay stepped out first, followed by CC, Kookie, and Warrior. Eventually, everyone found themselves marching briskly down a hallway, an into a white, brightly-lit room.

Was it here that the adventures would all end?

x - x - x - x - x

Tetro strained against his invisible bonds, struggling to catch a glimpse at his friends,.who were forced out of the room.

The door shut with a heavy bang.

Tetro slumped down as far as he could go, his eyes stinging.

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