Chapter Twenty Six: The End of The Beginning...

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A/N: I can't. I've sat here trying to type this authors note for so long. Guys. I can't. If you have questions, ask TheReadersDen or PinkFox567, they know a lot. I have to leave Wattpad, but please get the whole story, there's more, but I can't bring myself to type it again.

Just know that I don't want to do this, and you will always be in my hearts.

You guys have changed me, for the better. I am more confident, I know now that it is okay to share my problems, and I know that I can be who I am, and people will still like and care about me.

I love you guys.

An0n and N0na are still at the house, they are there physically. You can still write about them, or any of my stuff in the 'An0nyverse' (basically my OC's and headcAn0ns)

On with the chapter...

One year later

Okay one more thing, it's been about a year so.....uh....

bear with me here, I'm trying my best.



A mass of countrykids tumbled from the ceiling, followed by the comical sight of PEACE falling right onto the Darkguard in charge of the Reader's execution.

How strangely convenient...

It took a few seconds before the sight truly registered into the Readers mind.

They were about to watch their beloved countrykids get massacred. 

There was no way a bunch of toddlers could defeat highly trained guards that the Readers themselves couldn't beat.


x - x - x - x - x

Arx leaned back in her chair, narrowing her eyes thoughtfully. 

In seconds she would finally be in control of not only her own fate, but the fate of every creation and creator in this universe.


So why did something feel

It wasn't as if she hadn't felt this feeling before, the feeling of being orchestrated, it's just...

There was no way this story was continuing. An0n was locked up, the fourth wall was captured, heck, even the Readers were out of the way.


"Ma'am, we are approaching the daycare now."

Arx shook off her doubts. "Prepare the cann0ns-", she stopped, frowning suddenly.


"Just get to work alr3ady!!! You know the plan! Blast that stupid daycare and all the k1ds in it and we can bl0w this authorforsaken world!"


x - x - x - x - x

"PEACE!!!" Cookie yelled, straining at his bonds.

PEACE beamed and waved happily as he helped the slightly disoriented countrykids off the body of the unconscious Darkguard.

Cookie's euphoria soon morphed into panic. "WAIT. PEACE???" He struggled more at the bindings, tears falling from his eyes. "RUN!!! THEY'LL- THEY'LL- THEY'LL-"

Crazy Countrykids!!! {Countryhumans Daycare AU}Where stories live. Discover now