Chapter Five: Day 5 Sky-Rats

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An0n's POV

Today I had made it to the daycare on time. Right now I was trying to figure out what to do with the kids today. The parents had already dropped them off, and they were running around a picnic table I set up on the lawn.

I looked at them, thinking in my lawn chair. Russia, America, and China were playing King of the Hill on the picnic table. North Korea was also playing, but he never really managed to get up on the table, and when he did he was quickly pushed off. I would tell them to knock it off, but, eh. Kids will be kids, and King of the Hill was always a large part of my own childhood. Poland was reading with Germany, looking over his shoulder so that his chin was resting on Germany's shoulder. They both looked thoroughly engrossed in what they were reading, and I was glad to see that the book wasn't any hentai.

...I'm pretty sure Foxy snuck those over for Japan.

Whatever. She would've gotten her little paws on it somehow. I even heard China offer to set up a little black market for hentai. She declined, not trusting him. 

Ukraine, Japan, South Korea, and Canada where running around the picnic table, goading on the 'Kings' on the hill.

I still had no idea what to do today.

We couldn't go inside the daycare, yet. I could still sense unstable magic particles in there.

I was jolted out of my thinking when a little hand tugged at the hem of my shirt. Ukraine stared up at me, her big adorable eyes curious.

"Miss 'n0n? Who's coming today?"

I looked at her confused. "We don't need Readers over every day. I mean, I've had them come because I needed their help. They are pretty smart when it comes to suggesting ideas..."

I snapped up, startling Ukraine, who fell on her bum. I helped her up, and spun her around. She giggled.

"Thanks 'Raine! I know what we're going to do today!!!"

I set her down gently and snatched my pendant. I was about to summon a Reader when I got a strange feeling.

A tense shiver stole its way down my back, and I gave an involuntary shudder. The world darkened, and I looked up swiftly. A large cloud had blocked out the sun.

'Strange...' I thought. 'I don't remember there being a cloud in the sky when I woke up this morning...'

I felt the back of my neck prickle.

Like someone was...

...watching me...

I whirled around in anticipation.

The only thing behind me was a sky-rat.

I let out a pent-up breath that I hadn't known I was holding.

I shook the bad feeling out of my head, pushing it to the back of my mind. 

'Well, my instincts haven't led me astray before. But maybe I'm still jumpy from the kidnapping. I might as well invite two Readers, just to be on the safe side...'

And with that I resumed, the key in my hand glowing faintly, but growing brighter by the second...

WarriorCakes POV

On the other side of the Fourth Wall...

Warrior was flying loop-de-loops in the sky, her almond-brown hair whipping back behind in her messy ponytail. She closed her emerald eyes, grinning as she soared through the sky.

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