Chapter Four: Day 4 is WILD

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An0n's POV


'I don't want to wake up.'

'I'm so tired...'

'Must've used too much magic yesterday with the kids-'



I scrambled out of my bed, the pillows and sheets falling all over the floor as I flopped around on the ground like a dying fish.

I'm not very graceful in the mornings...

I managed to throw on my clothes along with my favorite shirt. It was a pretty cerulean blue with a white-lettered 'An0n' in bold on the front. I made it when I was experimenting around with my magic a couple of days ago. Honestly, I kinda doubted I would be able to do much magic-wise today. 

I finished getting ready, accidentally skipping breakfast. I don't actually remember the last time I ate. I think it was when Cookie came over. I checked the time.

"Aw, CRAP!!! I'm almost late!!!"

Normally this wouldn't be such a problem for me, I would just use a convenient time skip 'n' stretch. Basically I make a time skip, which almost all authors can do, but instead of time passing as it normally does inside of the skip, I would stretch or shrink the time that actually passed, hence the name. However, those do take more energy, ad I don't think I could spare it at this point.

I rushed out the door, my mind racing. If only I could get to the daycare through some kind of portal...

I smiled as the realization smacked me in the face like a brick.

'Maybe I can't get there in time, but someone else could...'

I snatched my pendant, it thumped against my chest as I ran to the daycare.

The pendant grew warm against my chest...

GiadaFarrar's POV

On the other side of the Fourth Wall...

Jade was scrolling through some memes on their phone. They sighed and flopped back onto the couch.

"I'm so booooooooored."

They stared at the ceiling for a couple of seconds, but hardly a minute had passed them by when they felt a weird sensation on their chest. They glanced down.

The key pendant was glowing.

Jade sat straight up, chocolate brown eyes widened in excitement. They grasped the pendant, and eagerly hoped for the best.

All of a sudden, Jade was facing a large wall that they had seen only once before. A keyhole marred the otherwise perfectly smooth surface of the walls, along with some small cracks from a certain rescue mission.

Jade pushed the key in the hole, and the wall faded away. Jade cannon-balled into the mist.

They felt a falling sensation...

On this side of the Fourth Wall...

3rd person's POV

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