Chapter Twenty Four: The Traitor

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A/N: Found the computer!!

3rd person's POV

Earlier on...

The dark-haired girl peeked into the room where the prisoners were kept.

Driven away by the constant foolish squabbling of her 'companions', she was drawn by curiosity to the cage.

At the time, the guards had turned off the lights to the room, obscuring everything and everyone within.

The purpose was to confuse the prisoner's sense of time to dampen their Hope's of rescue and whatnot, and it seemed to have been working.


There was no change in morale, but all of the Readers were asleep.


Almost all.

One girl was awake, unable to sleep because of nerves. Her back was pressed up against the cage wall, and she was shaking.

Shelly for some reason wanted to talk with her.

I mean, when you have to deal with Dayrll and Tucker's stupidity for all of your life, you long for more.......intelligent conversation.

Why this girl?

Shelly didn't know.

But she somehow found herself telling the guards stationed to leave the cage alone for a bit, and walked down to the cage, sitting herself down on the floor, and tapping the girl's shoulder.

The girl spun around, trying to blink away tears.

She had wavy light brown hair, and large glasses, big beautiful shining eyes peered through the lenses and seemed to search into the inner depths of Shelly's soul.

"Uhm. Hi." Shelly said awkwardly, not sure how to start up a conversation.

The girl looked at her, eyes brimming with tears once again.

Shelly's eyes widened. "Wait! Nonononono don't cry! You'll wake everyone else up dummy!!"

Wow. Great going Shelly. 

You haven't even said two complete sentences yet to this girl and you already insulted her.

"Uhm. That's not what I meant! You're not dumb, you're smart and pretty! Uh. UH."

Shelly's face lit up in embarrassment, and the girl giggled softly.

"Hey, uh. What's the matter?" Shelly inquired.

The girl's face saddened again. "I just, I keep remembering that hallucination. There was this, dead thing! It, it, its FACE was like, f-falling OFF!!! And, and, and, and it SCARED me!!! No one else is still bothered by this... am I just weak?" She asked, looking up at Shelly with large watery eyes.

Shelly shook her head. "Those things target some of your greatest fears. If you are so affected by that one thing, then it must be one of the only fears that had power over you. It doesn't mean you're weak, it means you are strong!"

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