Chapter Twenty: Who's There???

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A/N: Flipping gave myself chills just writing it!!

3rd person's POV

Captain PEACE surveyed the seas once again, this time with a new batch of female recruits from an island they had visited. They day was bright and warm, and the sea spray from the prow of the ship helped to cool the hard-working pirates off-


That was getting pretty cold...

PEACE snapped out of the fantasy and looked around the 'ship'. The Countrykids were still playing pirate, but he could tell that they were cold by their shivering.

He looked up at the sky. While he was in his fantasy world, he had failed to notice that the cloud cover they had was steadily increasing, becoming increasingly large, and increasingly dark. Several random spits of rain came down, and a chilly breeze blew against his skin.

PEACE turned to his cold crew of bloodthirsty pirates. "A-Alright g-gang, s-seems as if a c-cold front has m-moved in. H-how about w-we p-play inside?"

The Countrykids groaned. They might've been cold, but they were having too much fun to want to admit it.

"W-we can m-make a p-pillow f-fortress!!"

The kids perked up, eyes sparkling with anticipation. They clambered clumsily out of the 'ship' and onto the grass, dashing towards the daycare.

PEACE took one last look at the sky before heading in.

"P-pretty fast ch-change I'd s-say..." He murmured, eyes squinting up at the hills of clouds above.

Something seemed...

Eh, probably nothing.

PEACE shrugged and turned to follow the last kid into the daycare.

When he closed the door, he was immediately greeted with a flying pillow to the face.

"Mr. P-PEACE!!! C'mon lets plaaaaaaaay!!!" Said America excitedly.

Poland flicked his arm. "Hey, don't make fun of him like that."

America looked down. "Sorry, it just, came out." He looked back up at PEACE with huge puppy dog eyes. "I'm sowwy Mistew PEACE!!!"

PEACE's heart melted. "N-No, it's quite alright!! All in g-good f-fun, no h-harm done!!" He  paused for a second. "I'm a p-poet and I d-don't even kn-know it."

South Korea leapt into the air, pumping his fist. "RAP BATTLE!!!!!!!"

x - x - x - x - x

The stage was dark.

The hum of the audience murmured in anticipation.

Suddenly, a white-yellow beam of light cuts through the air, it's path visible in the dark room.

It strikes a standing figure that had gone unnoticed on the stage.

The light illuminates Phillippines, who had borrowed Brazil's hat, turning it backwards to complete his ensemble. He had opened his jacket that he had found in the dress up bin, and splayed out the collar, as well as borrowed America's sunglasses.


PEACE walked into the spotlight, he had found a kids pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap in the dress up bin, as well as some fake sparkly necklaces. Although most of his outfit didn't quite fit, he still managed to play the part rather well.

Crazy Countrykids!!! {Countryhumans Daycare AU}Where stories live. Discover now