Chapter Ten: Welp. We're screwed (Pt. 2)

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A/N: Some fighting. Not really creepy, more action-y.

3rd person's POV


The unconscious bodies of 5 Readers were thrown into the cage, waking up An0n, Kay, and Warrior who were attempting to take a nap.

Warrior scrambled up and dashed over the the heap. "Oh my gosh! Are they okay?!?"

An0n checked the pulse of one. "Yeah, just unconscious for the time being. They'll wake up any minute n-"

Kosmos' eyes snapped open.

An0n gave a short squeak of surprise and fell backwards. Kosmos sat up and rubbed their head.

"Augh, where, no. WHAT happened? I was in the stable...then there was the closet...and then...Herobrine? Wait, no, that's not right...WAIT." Kosmos jumped up, eyes frantically darting from place to place. "Where's that cheater? I'm going to teach him a lesson he'll NEVER forget!!!"

Golden and Becca got up, squinting at Kosmos in confusion before shrugging.

Golden looked at Becca. "So, uh, how'd you get here?"

Becca rubbed her head, trying to remember. "I service?" She burst out into laughter at her joke, everyone else looked confused.

Angel stirred in the pile. "Shusssshhh. I'm tryin' to sleeeeep. Go away zombie guy...ZOMBIE GUY!!!!!" Angel sat up, waking up the rest of the sleeping Readers. 

Golden heard the exclamation and curled up into a ball. "N-no!!! Let me out!! Don't lock the door..."

Kay looked at the Readers in horror. Some of them were more traumatized than others, but it was clear that all of them had gone through something awful. Vee was staring at the floor under An0n in horror. Kay followed the gaze.



Nothing seemed out of place.

Vee spoke up, in a fear filled tone. "A-An0n?"

An0n turned to Vee, who took a fearful step back. An0n looked confused and a little sad at this.

"W-w-where is y-your sh-shadow?"


The girl smiled, watching the progress of her minions on a holographic screen. Her face was shrouded in shadows, making it conveniently impossible to discern any features. She was lounging sideways on a throne-like chair made of twisted pieces of metal and mechanisms, padded softly with plush cushions. One of the girl's hands fiddled with the side of the chair, plucking at and tinkering with some of the metal.

"How's the progress going, sweetie?"

The girl startled a bit, glaring in the direction from which the voice came from. "I thought I told you not to sneak up on me like that anymore!"

The voice chuckled warmly. "I couldn't help it! You look so cute when you're scared."

The girl flushed, glaring.

"-And when you're mad~"

The girl huffed, looking back at the screen, but unable to contain the red hue that snuck upon her face. The man walked up to her, placing his head on her shoulder to look at the screen. She took a sharp breath in at the closeness. 

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