Chapter One: Day 1 Chaos

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This beautiful fan art was made by @PinkFox567 thank you!!! I love how Russia is literally melting, and the wall art XD.

An0n's POV

I stare at the little building on the corner of two streets. It's a bright sunny yellow, and in big letters above the doorway, as well as on a sign out on the lawn, are the words 'Peaceful Meadows Daycare'.

I hear the screeching of tires, and I look to my left.

There's a van coming right at me.

My eyes widen, and I leap out of the way. Turns out, I had been staring at the Daycare i the middle of the road. Not the best choice there, An0n.

I stand up on the sidewalk outside of the daycare, dusting myself off. The van careens into the small parking lot. A red country with a ushanka tumbles out. He is disoriented for a second, probably from the crazy turns he just did, but he recovers and jogs towards me.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorrry miss. Arre you okay?" He asks me, his brow creased in worry.

I stare up at him. Holy heckin' fluffballs, and I thought Russia was tall! This man looked like you would need a ladder to steal his hat! Not that I judge peoples height based off of that... It clicksin my mind that this is USSR. I noticed his eyepatch, with his communist symbol on it, and I mentally kick myself for not noticing it sooner. That, and he has the accent...

"M-Miss? Arre you okay?? Um... Do I need to call the hospi-" He waves his hand in front of my face. I snap back into reality, cutting him off.

"Oh yes! I mean, no. No, don't call the hospital, yes, I'm fine. I'm An0n, apparently I'm in charge of..." I check the sign again. "Peaceful Meadows Daycare. Huh...Why am I getting a bad feeling about that name..."I said the last part to myself quietly. USSR beams.

"Oh! Perrfect! I mean, not perrfect that I almost rran you over...but...Ah forrget it. I'm herre to drrop off Rrussia and Ukrraine." I chuckle, and he smiles before jogging back to the car. I walk over there with him. He pulls a cute little girl out of her carseat. She sucks her thumb and looks at me with wide eyes. I'm dying inside on how cute she is. USSR hands her to me.

"This is Ukrraine. She's a sweetie, won't give you any trrouble at all. Now Rrussia on the other hand..." He turns and fumbles around in the car. I hear screaming and crying. Eventually USSR comes back into view, prying a toddler Russia's little hands off of the frame of the car.

"C'mon you little...just...let...GO!!!" USSR finally manages to pull Russia off of the car, and the momentum almost sends him tumbling to the ground. He recovers, and quickly hold Russia out from his body, so as not to give him anything else to cling to. Russia is screaming and crying.

"NO!! PAPA NO!!! NO LEAVE MEEEEE..." He trails off into sobs.

"Ah, Rrussia, I'll be back. I always come back forr you. Just go with the nice lady and have a good day. Ah, thank you, miss. I'll be back arround 6-ish to pick them up." I nod, and he gets in the van, driving away.

Russia is screaming and wailing, hugging his ushanka close to his chest and sobbing into it. I look at Ukraine.

Ukraine looks at me.

She pulls her thumb out of her mouth and says in a sweet voice, "Brrover is a big baby." At this, she sticks her thumb back in her mouth.

I sigh, move Russia into a more comfortable position in my arms, and grab Ukraine's little hand, the one she's not been sucking. We walk into the daycare.

Smol Time Skip brought to you by the Smol Beans

A couple more kids have been dropped off. Japan, China, the Korean brothers, and Poland. Currently Third Reich was dropping off Germany into my arms.

Crazy Countrykids!!! {Countryhumans Daycare AU}Where stories live. Discover now