The New Hire

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I woke feeling redactful

In the misty light of morning

I said my prayers cordially

These words are just acidic

These second guesses are getting heavy

One day I'll catch up

One day this'll be hysterical

One day this will evade us all

--From the song One Day [This Will Evade Us]

Lyrics By: Orion Bauwens/Benjamin Hill

"My name is Orion Bauwens."

"I know."

I feel stupid--of course he knows who I am. It may be hard to believe, but some days I forget I'm famous. He doesn't seem to mind.

The man standing before me has a huge grin on his face as we shake hands. It's not mocking because of my slip-up, it's genuine. I can see the excitement in his light brown eyes. He flips his shaggy, dishwater blonde hair out of them.

"I'm Tristan."

"Tristan, eh?" I pat his upper arm before disengaging from the handshake. "Well, welcome aboard Tristan."

"Thank you sir."

I had begun to walk away. Smirking, I turn around and shake my head. "Yo, Tristan."

He looks up at me, surprised, mid-picking up the amp that has to go on the bus.

"Don't call me sir. It's just Orion, okay?"

He grins again. The expression seems to come easy for him. Shaking my head once more, I jam my hands into my pockets and board the tour bus. My tour bus.

I love this thing. It's huge. One-way, black windows sit against the champagne colored exterior. The paint is custom, pearlescent mixed with metallic flakes. The unique combination makes it explode into a cascade of rainbows if the sunlight hits it right. It's loud, it's obnoxious--I love it.

"Oh thank God," I exclaim, flopping down into one of the comfortable grey seats. "How do people live like this?"

Walking up to me is my manager, Gloria. She's the best. Sometimes we fight, but I don't know what I'd do without her. She's literally the only one in my life who can get me to pull my head out of my ass. She doesn't put up with my bullshit.

Honestly she's the one who keeps me sane most days.

"What?" Gloria asks, sitting in the aisles opposite me. "At least it's a dry heat."

I roll my unremarkable brown eyes. "That doesn't matter, hot is hot. And it's fucking hot."

Unexpectedly she tosses her unopened water bottle at me. I barely catch it in time, millimetres away from it smashing me in the nose. I glare as she laughs.

"Sassy woman," I say, trailing off.

Tristan walks up the stairs. When he sees me he stops.

"Oh, I supposed to sit somewhere else?"

I can't help snicker. "No. In fact, I'm actually happy you showed up." I wave my arm. "C'mere."

Tristan doesn't move, appearing to not comprehend what I just said. I wave again.

"Come on. Come sit over here."

Bewildered, Tristan whips his head around, looking for someone else. He then looks back at me with a hand to his chest. "Me?"

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