Rachel Price

149 12 40

Soul's forgotten how to love

If it ever knew how to at all

Caught beneath the tow

Struggling with broken wings

This is the anchor of the mind

Wondering, can you snap the rusty chain?

--From the song Chains

Lyrics by: Orion Bauwens

Christmas is right around the corner. I've kept myself busy, which hasn't been hard. Between Tristan, Jake, and Ben, and then the menagerie of therapy appointments I have, rarely do I have any downtime.

I'm not complaining though. Far from it. It has felt really good to not be touring. It's felt...normal.

I'm in the heated garage, getting ready to head out to my AA appointment. I'm wearing my favorite double-breasted military style jacket. It has a hood. I look so sexy in it. Yeah, I said it.

Getting into my black Infiniti, I have a rare thought--life is pretty good. I honestly can't complain. I'm a lot luckier than most people in the world, and I shouldn't take that for granted.

Smiling a little to myself, I'm about to drive away when my phone rings in my pocket. I pull it out and answer without looking at the caller I.D..

"Yo, s'up?"

"Is this Orion Bauwens?"

I put the car back into park. "Yes--who is this?"

"It's Jessica Dupree."

Oh, fuck.

"Oh, hello. Sorry, I didn't realize it was you."

"It's okay. Are you sitting down?"

My heart drops into the pit of my stomach and I immediately shudder.


"I have some news. When would be a good time for you to come to the office?"


"I've found your mother."

My breath rushes out of me all in one gust. My heart pounds in my chest and I'm shaking. Surprisingly, my mind goes blank, absolutely blank. I don't know how to react.

"Orion? Are you still there?"

"Yes, sorry. Can I meet you tomorrow? I'll get on the first plane I can book."

"Tomorrow is fine. Just get in contact with me once you know what time your plane lands and we'll work around that, okay?"

"Sure. Thank you Jessica."

"You're welcome."


Jessica hands me a manilla envelope with a metal clasp, and I damn near puke all over it and her arm. I'm a little surprised when she doesn't quite let it go though.

"Orion...there's something I have to tell you."

I freeze.

"I got a hold of your original birth certificate."

My brow furrows.

"Sit, Orion."

I do. "My birth--what do you mean? I gave that to you."

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