Worried and Disappointed

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**TRIGGER WARNING** This chapter deals with addiction relapse. Reader discretion is advised.

I'd say sorry but being sorry is such a waste of time

From the song Remorseful [Not Really]

Lyrics by: Orion Bauwens

"Where have you been?! You didn't show up to the last meeting, I called you at least twenty-six times, I texted you a million times, and you didn't respond to anything!"

"M'sorry," I mumble into the phone.

"I was starting to think about calling the cops and filing a missing persons report! You really scared me Orion."

"M'sorry I said."

"Sorry isn't good enough! If you're just going to ghost on me like that I need your contacts, someone I can get a hold of in case of an emergency. Do you understand me young man?!"

"Yes ma'am."

A pause. Then the voice on the other end is less frantic. "So, where have you been?"

I don't answer.


"I'm drunk."

"Oh for--"


"Minnesota?! What are you doing there?!"

"I found my birth mother."

Heather doesn't respond for a while. I wish she would say something. I'm flat on my back on the hotel bed. My glasses are off and the room is spinning. Her talking was helping to stop the room from moving. I wish she'd hurry up and say something before I puke.

"You're adopted?"

Finally! "Yup."

"I'm guessing the reunion didn't go well?"

"No no, it went perfectly. Much better than I thought it would. Surprised me, really."

A pause. "So then why are you drunk?"

I sigh heavily. "I d'no."

"Well, figure it out," she says dryly.

"Being a human being is hard."

"I'll give you that."

"I mean...'M happy I found her, and I'm happy she's not a complete cunt. Didja know she has three other kids?"

A chuckle. "No, Orion, I didn't know that your birth mother has three other children."

"Yeah neither did I!"

Another snicker.

"But yeah, I apparently have two brothers and a sister. They're younger. And her husband died. And she wants me to meet them. My brothers and sister I mean, I can't meet her husband on accounta 'im being dead and six feet under and everything."

A loud, dramatic sigh.

"But yeah. Apparently once her kids--I mean her other kids not me--"

"Jesus Orion..."

"--were old enough she told them about me, and she always said a day might come where she'd want me to meet them. I mean they meet me. Both?"

Another sigh. "How much have you drank, Orion?"

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