Anything But Anna

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**AUTHOR'S NOTE** I feel like this is a given but to adhere to Wattpad's guidelines, I need to state the following.

This chapter addresses underage drinking. I do NOT condone underage drinking. This chapter is used as a way to show how much Orion is changing as a person, and that's ALL. **This is even explicitly stated in the chapter itself**.

Thank you, and enjoy.

This is Ares' ascent

You've got a pocketful of lust

Cut from the cloth of the cosmos

I think I'm ready to leave

Wait, no I'm not

Where's my phone?

Fuck it, it's in my pocket

Where's my glasses?

Drown in the Cloquet

Will we grow old and die here?

Or will we live forever in our youth?

Will we stay drunk in this dream?

Yeah, baby, Ares has come out to play

We'll stay drunk forever

From the song Ares Ascent

Lyrics By: Orion Bauwens/Amy Price

I've decided to stay the remainder of Christmas Break with my newfound family. My mother is fine with it. In a week Seth goes back to college while Amy and John will go back to High School. I'm staying in the guest room, and my mother (whom I still don't know exactly how to refer to her as) lets me do laundry. I have enough meds, so I'm set to stay.

It's the weekend. Amy and our mom had gotten into a squabble about her going out to hang out with some friends. It ended with Amy angrily storming to her room, proclaiming she hated our mom, and slamming the door. I couldn't help but chuckle and shake my head. Obviously I was staying out of that mess.

That is, until I got up in the middle of the night to go pee, and walked past Amy's empty, open bedroom.

After doing my business I snuck into Seth's room.

"Hey," I whispered, poking his shoulder. "Wake up."

His eyes pop open in fright and he sits up. "Dude! What are you--"

"Sh!" I hiss, putting my finger to my lips. I pause, waiting to see if anyone woke up. They didn't. "Amy isn't in her room."

He looks at me and blinks. "Really? You woke me up for that?"

"I think she snuck out."

"Of course, she went to that party," he whispers angrily. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to go back to sleep--"

"A party? She's just a teen."

Seth rolls his eyes. "Oh come on, Mr. Rockstar. Like you've never snuck out to a party in your life. Duh, Orion, especially with having Amy as our sister we know all about your shenanigans--"

"Exactly," I reply harshly, "I know how out of control some of those parties can get. I don't want her to do anything she's going to regret."

Seth moans and lays down, pulling the cover over his head. "She'll be fine. Just let her be young."

"Tell me where the party is."

"Are you always this annoying?"

"Yes. Now tell me where the party is."

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