The Resentful, Bitter Past

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Float in the atmosphere

Watch the purple streak bye

Maggots on the sky-streaked knives

A reset of character would be a welcome storm

The gluttonous differential

--From the song Differential Lane

Lyrics By: Orion Bauwens

"I'd like to take some time off, guys."

It's Jake, Ben, and myself. I've asked them for this meeting. It's the following day. After our talk, Tristan and I had returned to my house where he spent the night. He's still there; my band and I are in Ben's house right now, drinking tea. (Ben's choice. Yeah, Ben's weird.)

"Sure," Jake says.

"Of course," Ben agrees.

I let out a deep sigh. "You guys are great."

"What," Jake replies, eyes twinkling, "you think we'd fight you on that?"

"We've been touring almost non-stop for two years," says Ben. "I think we all could use a break."

Now comes the more difficult parts of why I wanted to talk to them. I scratch the back of my head. "I need help convincing Gloria."

Ben chuckles. "I kinda doubt after everything you've been through lately she's going to need any convincing."

"Y-yeah," I agree. I hadn't thought of that.

I put my head down, interlace my fingers, and stare at my palms. An uncomfortable silence settles over the room. I can hear a clock clicking somewhere. I enjoy rhythmic, constant sounds. The repetition soothes me.

"Ori?" Jake asks.

"Erm. I have-I have something to ask you guys."

"Of course."

"Well, a favor really."

"In case ya haven't noticed by now," Ben states with a chuckle, "we'd do just about anything for you, buddy."

I suck in a deep breath and close my eyes. Even getting my tongue to wrap around the words is difficult. I don't want to say it. I don't want to do it. But I've been told I have to.

"I want to go to Michigan."


"I mean, I don't want to, I kinda have to."

Still nothing, so I open my eyes. I can't read either of their faces, and it makes me uncomfortable.

"I was wondering--well, hoping--well, actually kind of maybe begging--"

"For us to come with?" Ben asks.

"Of course," Jake agrees without even knowing if that's actually what I mean.

"Yeah; when do you want to leave?" Ben asks.

I let out my breath, my breath I didn't even realize I had been holding. I manage a small smile. "Why are you guys the best?"

Ben grins. "Because you're the best?"

I know arguing will do nothing, so I merely grin back and shake my head slightly. "Also there's one more thing."

"Shoot," Jake says, leaning back.

"Uh...would either of you mind if I bring Tristan?"

Ben raises his one eyebrow. "Not at all..."

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