Of Dogs And Nightmares

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**TRIGGER WARNING** Brief mention of animal abuse and death. Reader discretion is advised.

I live my life as if I'm undead

I found the reaper for me

I've been hearing blood

Just stop your dying

I'm the dead one

When you're the phobic

Now you're fearing

Because I'm retiring

Now I'm perspiring

Save me from this dread

Worrying at night

Everyone is horrendous

When you're all alone

From the song Restless

Lyrics by: Orion Bauwens/Jacob Larson/Benjamin Hill

I knock on Amy's door the next day. She lied, telling everyone she was on her period and had really bad cramps (ew) and wanted to be left alone. I know she's actually nursing a hangover.

She flips over in her bed and glares at me. "What do you want?"

"I'm coming to see if you still hate me."

She rolls back over. "Go away, Orion."

"Well, since you hate me, could I come in and take down my posters?" I grin. "I mean, you know, since you're hungover and all--"

Amy leaps out of bed, races over, and slams the door. She then pauses, swaying a little. "Oh God, I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Yeah," I taunt, "getting up that fast wasn't the brightest idea." I pause and then walk further into her room. "So about these posters--"


"What do you want me to do with these? Do you guys recycle, or should I just throw them in the trash?"

"Please stop. My head can't take this."

"Hmm," I say, partially peeling one from off the wall. "Can you put something in recycling that has tape on it? I suppose I could pull the tape off. It might rip the poster. Oh, what am I saying? They're being thrown away anyway, what does it matter?"

I smirk through pursed lips as Amy walks over to her bed, sinks down onto it, and holds her head in her hands. Adhering the poster back to the pink wall, I sit next to her.

"What do you do for hangovers?"

"Don't get drunk in the first place?"

She shoots me a glare.

"Seriously though," I say, looking at my palms. "I know I overstepped a line last night."

"Yeah, you did."

I look at her. "If you think I'm going to apologize for it though, I'm not. But if you honestly hate me, I seriously understand and I won't come around, okay? Or if I do I'll be sure to avoid you, yeah?"

She looks at me for a minute and then sighs heavily. "I don't hate you."

I knew it. I have to suppress a grin. "Well that's good."

"But," she says seriously, "you need to understand something, Orion."

I raise my eyebrows.

"I'm not you. It's very sweet of you to be worried about me. Like, for real. The fact that you're that protective of me just because I'm your sister is nice."

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