It's Much Worse

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**TRIGGER WARNING** Brief mention of the dog from the previous chapter is made. READER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.

Our blood is two batteries with the same charge

I think I can hear the siren in the distance

For whom doth the bell tolls, indeed

--From the song Don't Eat Luck Off The Sidewalk

Lyrics by Orion Bauwens, Jacob Larson, Benjamin Hill

"How've you been?"

"I've been good," I lie into the mouthpiece of my cell, forcing myself to sound chipper.

I'm currently on the couch, laying down with my head on Tristan's lap. He gestures at me, offering to pause the movie we're watching but I shake my head. Doesn't matter, I've seen this one a hundred times.

"How's Tristan?" Ben asks me.

God, it feels really good to hear his voice. Truthfully I've kind of...pulled myself away from him. And Jake. Honestly I've kinda subconsciously pulled away from everyone, except the people I can't.

"Say hi, Tristan," I say, holding my phone away from my ear.

"Who is it?"


"Hi Ben!"

"Hi Tristan!" Ben's loud voice comes over the speaker with a laugh.

I put the phone back to my ear and walk off to Tristan's bedroom. It only takes like, ten steps. Honestly I'm getting used to his small, one bedroom apartment. It's cozy.

"So what's up?" I ask Ben.

"Just wondering how things are going. We haven't talked for awhile."

"I know...sorry."

"Tristan been taking care of you?"

"Yeah." I bite my lip. "Look, I don't want you to think he's replaced you guys or something--"

"Did I say that?"

"Well, no, but--"

"Dude, relax. I honestly didn't think that at all. I genuinely wanted to know you're okay." Before I can answer, he continues. "Did the police ever get back to you?"



"Well a few weeks ago I had the camera footage pulled, and Gloria turned it in for me. Someone wearing a heavy winter coat with a huge hood came by, did the thing, dumped the blood that had collected in the bag all over the stairs, and then walked off. But there weren't any distinguishing features or anything. And they didn't come and leave the same direction. They walked into view from the right, did it, and then continued walking on their way to the left."

"That's fucked."

"I know. Actually, wanna hear the really disturbing part?"

"Uh...I thought the fact that this happened was the disturbing part?"

"Well yeah, but it gets worse. Whoever it was took a picture of their handiwork before they walked off."

"That's--oh my God."

"Yeah, I know."

"Jake and I have been back at our places for a couple weeks now. Nothing strange has happened."

"That's good," I say genuinely.

"So...when are you coming back? Like, did the police give you the go-head?"

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