Drunken Concert

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**TRIGGER WARNING** This chapter deals with alcoholism. Reader discretion is advised.

Dare to dream but not to learn

Pour these memories into a urn

--From the song Aerial View

Lyrics By: Orion Bauwens

"Fucking hell, he's drunk."

Ben looks at me as I walk past him and Jake. I simply grin at them. Yup, I am. Not really anything they can do about it now though, is there?

Not a damn thing as I walk to the front of the stage and wave both hands, still grinning. The crowd goes absolutely nuts. For a moment I simply revel in it. They're cheering so loud it hurts my ears, and I can feel it in my chest. It's phenomenal. This is literally the reason I live.

It's a perfect day too. The stifling heat finally knocked it off; I feel like I can breathe. The sky is clear, the sun is out, and I'm soaking it all in. There's even a blissful breeze. It's the type of weather all outdoor performers pray for.

Jake, who made his astute observation about my inebriated state, takes his place besides me. He's glaring daggers at me. As the crowd continues to cheer and chant, I just can't get my stupid smile off my face.

"Lighten up," I snap at him.

Before he can reply I hit the first note of the first song, looking at the sea of people.

And the crowd goes wild!

I'm aware I've never done this before. Yeah, I request the usual few beers to be on stage along with water. But I've never come on stage plastered, and I sure as shit have never played drunk before.

I manage to make it through the entire gig without incident. No tripping. No forgetting lines. No falling off the stage or something. And what's best is the crowd absolutely laps it up.

Maybe I should perform drunk more often.

"Drinks for everyone!" I declare backstage afterwards happily. "In fact, let's all get dinner! My treat! Top notch!"

I turn to Gloria. "Gloria my dear! Look up the nearest five star restaurant and clear the place out, got it?"

She glares at me but does what she's told. As I walk away, someone grabs my bicep. I whip around, nearly sucker punching whoever it was. But it's just Jake, looking at me displeased.

I give him my biggest smile. "Hi Jake!"

He drags me towards the edge of the stage. My neck turns to rubber as we walk past Tristan who is already doing some breakdown with the crew.

"Hi Tristan! You and the crew are invited for dinner too! On me."

He lifts his head and grins his gorgeous smile at me. Yeah, I said it. Gorgeous.

Jake shakes me angrily. "I really don't think going out to dinner is such a good idea."

I screw up my face at him. "Why?"

"You're drunk," he hisses at me, dragging me down the stage stairs.


"So?!" he screams at me. To my utter surprise he shoves me off the last couple stairs and I fall onto the ground. All I can do is gawk up at him.

"You're day-drunk! This is work! You fucking have a problem, man! Wake up and smell the coffee you're gonna need in a few hours."

I narrow my eyes at him. "How did the concert go?"

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