Anger Issues

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**TRIGGER WARNING** Drug references made. Reader discretion is advised.

I don't know what's happening

When the dam breaks

It's some sort of bittersweet decadence

You took my breath away

Diamonds on fire

You look pretty silly

With the wool pulled back

Exposing the evil angel that you are

Rage is the response to a stealthy paradox

Something the mind cannot shut off

--From the song Wounded

Lyrics by: Orion Bauwens

A week has passed rather uneventfully. Tristan is currently out at the local gym. I'm at home, cleaning. Well, rearranging. I've already cleaned everything.

I'm currently reorganizing the top shelf of my closet. Not like I have much else to do. I'm already bored of video games, and I keep having the same melody in my head so there's no point in putzing around on my guitar.

I'm surprised when my phone rings. Without looking at the caller ID I answer, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder.

"Yo what's up?"

"Heeeeeeeey Orion buddy!"

I damn near drop the phone and topple off the step stool I'm on. I have to reach out and grab the closet rod to not lose my balance. Fuck. Fuck.

"Oh. H-hey, Simon."

I can't believe I forgot to block his number.

"So, I heard you ended your tour a little early, eh buddy?"


Hang up. Just hang up on him!

But I can't. That'd be rude. Which is pathetic. I need to eject this guy out of my life like a rotten tooth but I can't bring myself to be rude. I know--ironic, innit?

"What gives?"

"Just tired," I mumble, pinching the bridge of my nose and screwing my eyes shut tight.

"How long you off for?"

"I d'no," I answer honestly.

"Wanna hang out?"

"I can't. Busy."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Busy then too."

"This weekend?"

"Maybe," I lie. "I d'no dude, I'm pretty busy. Plus I just want to relax."

"Does relaxing include any parties?"

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck. "No."

There's a long pause. And with every passing second I can feel the rage and anxiety growing in my chest.

"Oh. So it's like that, huh? That kinda break?"

"Simon," I growl, "was there a point to this?"

"Yeah, I wanted to know if you needed anything. But it sounds like you falling off the planet for four months and you not needing anything means it's one of those kinda breaks, huh?"

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