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**CONTENT WARNING** Descriptive sex scene, reader discretion is advised. This is NOT added for gratuities sake nor meant to be pornographic; it's to show the main character unraveling and having promiscuous sex.

Crawl in bed with me

And writhe with me

Leave our names on these blood-soaked sheets

Come dance with me

And inveigle me

Leave our mismatched scruples at the door

And then I'll leave

It'll be my reprieve

Or will it be yours?

--From the song When I Leave

Lyrics by: Orion Bauwens

I couldn't sleep after Jake stumbled home, so I played video games to distract myself. Once the sun came up I spent the entire day cleaning. My house was completely trashed. Honestly though? I didn't even care. It provided a good distraction from my mind.

Throughout the day Ben and Jake have tried to call. I send them to voicemail. Ben doesn't leave one, but Jake leaves several. I don't listen to any of them. I'm too afraid to. 

By the time I'm done cleaning it's night, so I decide it'd be a good idea to go to the club. That way if Jake randomly shows up at my door I won't even be home.

"Hey," Olivia greets. "You grace me with your presence twice in one twenty-four hour period? How did I get so lucky?"

I smirk. "Don't get used to it."

She leans against the counter on one elbow, looking seductively at me. "Too bad."

I raise an eyebrow but before I can say anything, she pushes back off the counter.

"So, what can I get for you, Orion?"


"On it."

The hours slip by. Whenever Olivia doesn't have to do her job she comes over and chats with me. The talk is easy, and the beers go down even easier.

"Not in a dancing mood?" she asks me at one point.

"No. I'm enjoying the company."

That makes her smile.

By the end of the night she joins me for a cigarette. I'm drunk. And maybe it's the beer, but I realize how fucking hot Olivia is.

She's totally my type--not overweight but curvy, a nice ass in scrumptious tight jeans, with pin-straight blonde hair that's long. Some would probably say she's plain looking. Or maybe white trash or some shit--she has a tongue ring.

But honestly? They can go fuck themselves. She's turning my gears, hard.

"That was a fun party last night," she comments, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, it was."

"I'm curious," she continues, and looks at me dead in the eyes. "Why'd you invite me?"

I shrug. "I invited everyone I knew."



"I just--never mind."


She turns red. "It's stupid."

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