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Close the blinds, it's too bright

I've got a pounding head

And not enough meds

--From the song Wasted

Lyrics by Orion Bauwens

I wait in the basement until I hear mom shuffling around. I'm dressed, teeth brushed. I bound up the stairs, giving myself a quick pep talk.

"Morning!" I say brightly, coming off as though I didn't just make myself throw up fifteen minutes ago and like I'm not in the throws of a really bad hangover.

She jumps and shouts in surprise, then laughs. "God, Orion, I forgot you were here..."

I plaster a grin on my face. That's my trick and always has been--just be overly exuberant to hide the pain.

Hmm. Maybe I should apply that to other aspects of my life, too.

"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you."

She waves her hand. "It's fine. How did you sleep?"

"Like a rock."

Hey, it's not a lie. Being passed-out drunk qualifies as that.

"Are you a coffee drinker?"

"Yes," I say perhaps a little too excitedly. It had grown on me, and I knew it would help my head.

"I'm not, sorry."

My face falls. I probably look like someone whose dog just was shot.

Bad analogy. Ugh.

"But," my mom continues, pointing to the left, "there's a Starbucks not too far from here. Just up the main road. You can borrow my car if you like."

"What?! No, I couldn't--"

"Sure you can. I don't start work until nine, that gives you plenty of time."

"Are you sure?"

She laughs. "It's just a coffee run."

"Excellent," I reply with a sigh of relief. "Did you want anything?"

"No, the tea I have here is fine, thanks."

When I get back from grabbing my keys, wallet, and coat, my mom is at the kitchen table eating breakfast.

"Are you sure you don't need anything while I'm out?"

"No, I'm alright." She smiles fondly. "Whoever raised you raised you right."

I catch myself before I scowl. You have no idea...

As soon as I'm out the door I drop the facade. My head is absolutely killing me. I get into the car and immediately crank the heat. As I wait for it to warm, I grip the steering wheel and press my forehead against the back of my hands.

Were hangovers always this bad? If they were I'm never gonna do this again. I shudder, thinking about detox. Yeah no. Not worth it.

Just then my cell vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out, looking at the screen with just one eye open. It's a text from Amy.

You better be behaving!!! 😤

I sigh and type a quick response.

Yes, mother. Omw 4 coffee. U better be paying attention in class!!!

I put my phone away and press my throbbing head against the steering wheel, shutting my eyes. Why oh why didn't I grab my sunglasses? My phone vibrates in my pocket.

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