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This is just an explanation chapter.  If you're already familliar with the omegaverse then feel free to skip this chapter, but I recomend that you read it. 



Secondary genders:

There are three secondary genders.  

Alpha, betta and omega.  Alphas are usually perceived as the leaders of their friend groups.  They tend to be more aggressive in nature and larger in stature. They are extremely territorial and will do anything to protect those who matter to them.  Alphas make up roughly forty five percent of the population.  

Bettas come in second place in the social hierarchy.  They are pretty much normal people. Bettas make up about forty five percent of the population.  They aren't too territorial or aggressive except for when they sense an omega in distress.  

Omegas are last in the social hierarchy.  Because of their submissive nature they are in constant danger.  Typically they don't have jobs that require them to be very active or strong.  They are often viewed as weak and are babied by society. Omegas are hardly ever aggressive but can become very territorial.  Omegas make up about ten percent of the population.  


Everybody has at least one mate.  It is very uncommon for a person to have two mates, but it is possible.  It is not possible to have more than two or less than one mate. In other words, a person cannot be mateless unless their mate dies.  Mates are signified by matching marks on a part of their body. When one mate is injured the other mate(s) can feel it, but on a much smaller scale.  Alphas can be mated with other alphas, betas and omegas. Bettas can be mated with other bettas and alphas. Omegas can only be mated with alphas.  

Mate Marks:

Each person has one mark on their body from birth, this is their mark and is called the main mark.  When they turn eleven they will receive their mate's mark(s) on the body part that their mate has it.  Alpha's main marks are located on the collar bone. Betta's main marks are located on their shoulder. Omega's marks are located on their wrist.  Marks come in the form of a symbol the color of the owner's hair that depicts their quirk. For example, if somebody can control time and their hair is dyed blue then their main mark will be a blue clock.  If somebody is quirkless then their mark will simply be a line the color of their hair. If a person's mate dies their mark will fade into black.


 A heat is when an omega experiences extreme pain and overwhelming heat.  In this time they become especially needy and release pheromones into the air to notify alphas that they are in heat.  They have an overwhelming urge to construct a nest out of blankets, pillows and things that smell familiar, preferably of their mates.  The pain and heat can be controlled by the platonic or sexual touch of an alpha. Omegas do not have control over any aspect of this.  

Other Stuff That I Don't Have A Name For:

Male alphas can get anyone except for other male alphas and male bettas pregnant.  
Female alphas can get female bettas and female omegas pregnant.  
Male bettas can get female bettas pregnant.  
Female bettas cannot get anyone pregnant.  
Omegas cannot get anyone pregnant.

Well that's all for now, I'll probably have the next chapter out in a day or two.


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