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Do you ever have those moments where you want to scream 'FUCK!' for absolutely no reason at all? 
Yeah... I'm having one of those moments. 



*time skip to when Izuku returns to the dorms*

No Pov
As Izuku walked through the common room he got all sorts of stares, some sympathetic, some confused and others disgusted.  He walked up to his room.  It was the first time since his mother's passing that he had even considered going in there.  It wasn't like he had any other choice.  He couldn't face Bakugou or Todoroki at the moment and now was hardly the time to waltz into one of his mates' rooms.  

With shaky hands he unlocked the door and slipped inside the room.  A wave of despair crashed over him like a tsunami.  He allowed his knees to buckle under him and he sunk to the floor holding his head in his hands as whimpers and sobbs escaped him.  When he was finally composed enough he lifted his head and looked around the room.  All he saw was his mother and just like the night she had died he ran off to the bathroom.  Nausea coursed through his body, but it wasn't the same as last time.  This time he wanted to throw up out of embarrassment and shame.  He bent over double, clinging to the toilet bowl as he heaved last night's supper.  

The bile burned his throat and mouth and it only caused him to cry even harder.  There was a light knock on the other side of the door.  

"Come in," Izuku whispered weakly.  He heard the door creak open, but didn't look up because he returned to vomiting in the bowl.  

"Hey Izu... Kiri called me and said what happened."  He recognized the voice and whipped around to see Tamaki.  

"Nononono!  Why did he have to tell you?!"  Izuku sobbed even harder at the thought of Tamaki looking down on him.  

"Hey, look at me kid."  Izuku tentatively looked up.  "It's ok, I don't think any less of you.  I made the same mistake, ok?"


"Yeah.  I know how you feel.  Just let me help you, ok?"  Izuku nodded before he whipped back to face the bowl and vomited again, this time Tamaki was there to rub his back and tell him that it was going to be ok.  After a while Izuku had stopped throwing up and just sat hugging onto Tamaki.  

"What all do you know about?"  Izuku didn't want to ask but he knew he had to.  

"Just about what happened last night.  Is there anything else that I should know about?"

Izuku nodded.  "M-my mom... she passed away a few days a-ago... and the f-funeral was ye-yesterday."  Tamaki held the boy closer.  

"Do you want to come back to my dorm for a little while to calm down?  Mirio will be there but he doesn't have to know about anything if you don't want him to."  

Izuku nodded.  He was glad that he made friends with the usually shy third year.  They quickly walked out of the first year dorm building and into the one designated for the third years.  Everyone stared incredulously at the short greenette that walked with Tamaki.  He wasn't known for making friends, especially not with some random little first year.  Much to Tamaki's dismay a particularly flirtatious third year girl walked up to them.  

"Well aren't you adorable," the girl gushed as he leaned down to be eye level with Izuku.  He turned red and quickly looked away from her.  "Ya know, you look pretty familiar," she mused.  "Oh I know where I know you from!  You're the quirkless recommendation student!  And rumor has it that you're an omega just like Tamachan!"

"Y-Yuma, please s-stop."

"Why Tamachan?  Don't you want everyone to know that you brought the little quirkless first year with you?"  She was obviously trying to attract attention.  She made no effort to keep her voice down.  People had heard her and started to crowd around Izuku and Tamaki.  The girls gushed about how adorable Izuku was and the guys bombarded him with questions about how he became so strong without a quirk.  Izuku clung to Tamaki's arm for comfort, but the older boy was in no position to comfort him.  He seemed to be having a mini panic attack from all of the attention. 

"What's going on here?"  Everyone quickly quieted as Mirio and Nejire walked down the halls, well Mirio walked and Nejire skipped while blowing a bubble with her gum.  "Come on guys, you know Tamaki doesn't like attention.  Why are you all crowding around him?"  The blonde's tone was light and undemanding but the students cleared away from Tamaki nonetheless.  "Now Tamaki, what was all that fuss about?" Mirio teased.  That's when he caught a glimpse of Izuku.  "Oh, I see.  They wanted to get a glimpse of you."  Mirio beamed his blinding smile as he ruffled Izuku's hair a bit.  


"Tamachannnnn," Izuku groaned.  Nejire bounded over to the first year and began fussing over his freckles and how short he was and this and that.  

"Well I see that Nejire's taken a liking to you Izu."  Mirio teased him with the cheesy smile still on display.  

"Can we please go somewhere a little more private?" Tamaki wined.  

"Sure thing," Mirio wrapped an arm around Tamaki's waist and gestured for Izuku and Nejire to follow.  He led them all to his room and shut the door behind them.  

"So what brings you here little Izu?"  Mirio released his grip on Tamaki's waist and was now sitting next to him on the bed.  

"I just um... needed to get away from my dorm for a while..."  It wasn't a complete lie.  If Mirio asked for any more information he would tell him, but as of right now he only said what he had to.

"Why?  Is someone picking on you?"  Mirio was being the overprotective friend that Tamaki and Nejire had grown to love.  

"No... um..." He looked at Tamaki for help.  

"How much do you want me to tell them?"

"I don't care, as long as I don't have to say it."

Tamaki went on to explain everything with Izuku filling in details here and there of course leaving out the things that were a little too... explicit.  By the end Mirio was giving him a sympathetic look and Nejire had pulled him into a bear hug.  

"Jire!  I can't breathe!"  She quickly released the boy and smiled at him.  

"Why don't you two ever give me cute nicknames?"

They both shrugged.  Izuku couldn't have been more glad about their reactions.  This was exactly what he needed.  For people not to judge him.  It was nice.  Since it was still the weekend they were all able to goof off for the day and play video games.  By the time 5 o'clock rolled around Izuku was saying his goodbyes and heading back to his own dorm building for dinner, which he fully intended to eat alone on the roof.  He couldn't bear the thought of returning to his room and since he didn't want to face any of his classmates his only other options were a broom closet or the roof.  He just wanted to have a peaceful meal, but his luck had other plans in mind.  
bleh... just bleh


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