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Do I have loads of schoolwork to complete? Yes. Am I going to work on it? Pft...no.



Izuku's Pov
Shochan opened the door while rubbing his eyes. He looked at me and upon seeing the state I was in he pulled me into his room.

"Izu, what happened?"

"I-I found o-one of my m-mates..." My vision grew blurry with tears. Understanding why I was upset, Shochan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me over to his bed so we could sit down.

"It's Kirishima, isn't it?" I nodded. "I know it's hard Izu, but you have to stay strong. Just wait until you graduate. It's only three years, that's not so bad, is it?" I didn't respond. I knew he was trying to cheer me up, but three more years without either of my mates sounded like absolute hell. I just cried harder into his chest until we both went back to sleep.

*time skip to a week later*

No Pov
Izuku Midoriya was crying in a bathroom stall. 'Why?' you ask, well, the thing is... two members of class 1-A, Kirishima and Kaminari, just found out that they were mates. They also found that they had another mate who was a quirkless omega. This quirkless omega was Izuku Midoriya, just in case you didn't catch on. Izuku held his head in his hands as he sobbed even harder. He looked down at his main mark with nothing but pure hatred and despair. He made no effort to quiet his sobbs because he was in the bathroom that nobody ever used... or so he thought. Little did he know that outside the door stood Tamaki Amajiki. He slowly opened the door and made his way over to where the sobbs were coming from. He made sure to be as quiet as possible. He pushed the door to the stall open to see a small green haired boy crying while looking at a quirkless omegan mark on his wrist. The boy noticed Tamaki and quickly pulled his sleeve down.

"Why are you crying?" Tamaki bent down and looked at the boy with a tentative smile.

"Why d-do you c-c-care?" Izuku wiped a few tears from his face.

"I don't know, I just do." Takaki's gaze was soft and calming and Izuku felt like he could trust the boy.

"My m-mates fou-nd each other t-t-today and I can't be with t-th-them." He started sobbing again.

"Why not?" Tamiki thought for a moment, "Is it because you're an omega?"

Any sound that Izuku was making before stopped. He didn't move and he hardly breathed. Nobody was supposed to know that. What was he going to do? He was surely going to get expelled now.

"Hey, don't worry," Tamaki said with a little laugh. "I don't plan on telling anybody." Izuku realized that he had been muttering and looked up at the other boy's kind face. The boy rolled up his own sleeve to show a dark purplish blue tentacle wrapping around his wrist. "I'm an omega too."

"H-have you found y-your mate yet?" Izuku's tears stopped flowing.

"Yeah, I have. His name is Mirio Togata. He's the sweetest alpha I've ever met."

"Wait, Togata as in the big three?!" Izuku looked at the other boy with excitement in his eyes.

"Heh, yeah. I'm Tamaki Amijiki, I'm one of the big three too." Izuku looked about ready to explode with excitement. "What's your name?"

"Izuku Midoriya..."

"Midoriya? Aren't you the quirkless recommendation student?" Izuku nodded and waited for the boy to tease him for being quirkless, but the taunting never came.

"That's really cool! I could never do that. My nerves would kill me. I was barely able to pass the regular exam." Tamaki beamed at the boy in front of him before remembering why he came in here in the first place. "Listen Izuku, Nezu isn't going to expel you if it gets out that you're an omega. I'm sure he gave you the same talk he did me. He is right about it being dangerous having people know your status, so you have to keep that in mind. But if it ever gets to be too much, you can tell them. That's what happened with Miri and I." Izuku nodded sadly. And they both stood up to leave. Before they did though, Tamaki pulled the smaller boy into a hug. "It gets better, I promise." They quickly exchanged phone numbers before heading back to their separate classes.

*time skip brought to you by my mid chapter snack break*

Izuku's Pov
I kept on thinking about what Tamaki told me today. If it got to be too much, I could tell them. I could be with my alphas, but for the moment I had to go without. I couldn't risk putting everyone in danger just so I could be happy. That's not how a hero acts. I was laying on my bed when a soft knock came from my door. I begrudgingly got up and answered it. I was now face to face with none other than Katsuki Bakuhoe. "What do you want Bakugou?" We hadn't spoken since the night of the party and I was still pretty pissed off at him.

"I want to say sorry Izu," He said and tried to pull me into a hug but I knocked his hands away.

"You don't just get to knock on my door and say sorry like it was nothing. You could have ruined everything! You could have ruined my entire future and for what? Because another alpha touched me! Because you didn't like what I was wearing. Because you wanted to be in control like you always are! Well news flash Kacchan, I'm not you're fucking mate and you don't get to control me!" I yelled at him and let all of the anger and hurt I'd been feeling over the past week erupt. I knew my words were harsh, but I meant every syllable.

"Hey, is something wrong Izu?" Kirishima walked out of his room.

"No, he was just leaving." My eyes never left Kacchan's. Slowly he turned around and walked away. Before I walked back into my room I saw Denki pop out of Kirishima's room.

"Are you ok Midoriya? Do you want to come in and talk about it?" I knew his words weren't meant to upset me, but they did. My two mates were in the same room without me. They were bonding and falling in love without me. They were being happy without me and I was being invited over like some sort of outsider.

"No," I said simply and slammed my door shut, being sure to lock it behind me. I can't tell them. I can't put them in danger. I have to keep it a secret.
I believe that's the second chapter I've published today. Now onto number three!


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