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My current mood:



Izuku's Pov
I sat in Denki's room and waited for Eijiro to return with my suit.  It was two days after mom died and I still couldn't handle returning to my room.  I was curled up on the bed with my head in Denki's lap.  "Are you sure you want to come?  You don't have to..."  I said looking up at him.  

"Babe, we're coming.  I want to be there for you and I'm positive Eijiro does too."  Patting my head he gave me a small smile.  I just closed my eyes and moved closer to him.  

"Hey Izu, I've got your suit."  Eijiro stood in the doorway holding up a few hangers with black fabric dripping off of them.  He walked over to the desk and pulled two more outfits out of Denki's closet, handing one to the blonde and keeping the other for himself.  They both started getting undressed and I panicked a little.  I knew they knew about my scars but I still didn't want them to see them.  

Eijiro was the first to finish getting dressed and was wearing black slacks with a white dress shirt and a black vest over top of it.  He looked over at me, noticing that I wasn't dressed or making any effort to be.  

"Izu, why aren't you changing?"  He came over to me but I looked down to avoid eye contact.  Placing two fingers under my chin he lifted my head so our eyes would meet.  "Why aren't you getting changed?"  I knew he knew the answer.  He just wanted to hear me say it.  

"I don't want you guys to see... me."  I stepped away from Eijiro and turned my face away again.  

"Izuku, listen to me.  You're beautiful.  I don't care how many scars you have.  I love you just the way you are, scars and all."  He wrapped me in a tight hug and rested his chin in the crook of my neck and whispered, "You're beautiful."  He pulled away leaving me slightly cold and shoved the clothes he had picked out for me into my hands.  "Now get dressed."  I heard denki giggle a little at how Eijiro sounded.  Not wanting to have to argue with my mates I reluctantly started undressing, but every time I removed an article of clothing I quickly replaced it with another.  My scars only flashed for a few seconds before being covered again.  I finished getting dressed and looked in the mirror that hung on Denki's door.  I was wearing black slacks that were very similar to Eijiros, a dark grey dress shirt, a black vest and a dark green tie.  The sight made me giggle a little.  I was never able to properly tie a tie so the one I wore now looked quite odd.  Eijiro smiled at me as he re-tied it for me and told me not to mess with it.  

As I turned away from Eijiro my eyes landed on Denki.  He was wearing black slacks to match mine and Eijiro's as well as a light grey dress shirt and a black vest.  We all pretty much matched aside from the colors of our shirts and my tie.  I have to admit, my mates looked amazing.  Denki had most of his hair pulled back into a ponytail but let his bangs hang loose.  Eijiro's beautiful red hair lay flat on his head because he didn't think it would be appropriate to spike it for a funeral.  My own hair was as messy as ever.  I was never able to tame it on my own.  "Um... could you guys... maybe... help with this?"  I gestured to the unruly mess that was my hair.  They smiled at me before dragging me over to the desk that sat next to a wall.  Denki pulled out a brush and hair clips while Eijiro rummaged around some drawers before pulling out a large bottle of hair gel.  

After about twenty minutes, half a bottle of hair gel, two hair pins, and a lot of pulling later my hair looked pretty good.  They had managed to reduce the craziness and Eijiro even put in a small braid on the left side.  

No Pov
There was a light knock at the door.  Kaminari sauntered over and opened it.  A slight look of annoyance flashed on his face but was gone as quickly as it came.  Keigo looked past and smiled at Midoriya.  "Hey kid.  Are you guys ready to go?"  The three boys nodded and walked out of the room.  The older blonde slung his arm around the young greenette as they walked.  Kirishima and Kaminari both looked slightly annoyed but chose not to say anything simply because the two were both grieving.  When they got into the car Midoriya introduced his mates to Toya before returning to his silence.  

They drove for about five minutes down the road before Midoriya spoke again.  "Hey Toya?"


"Why weren't you or Natsuo pallbearers?"

"We ar-weren't as close to Auntie as you, Shoto, and Katsuki were.  Also our quirks are kinda skrewey when we're emotional and dad didn't want to risk us damaging the casket on accident."  All Midoriya said was a small 'oh' as he rested his head on Kirishima's shoulder.  Kaminari placed a reassuring hand on Midoriya's thigh and gave a light squeeze.  

*time skip to after the service*

It was now time for people to say their last goodbyes to their beloved Inko.  There were so many people there.  Everyone from her former job in Japan, her friends, the Todorokis and Bakugous and even a few people she had met in America.  Izuku dreaded the moment when he would have to go up.  He stood at the very end of the line and clung to his mates' hands like his life depended on it, which at the moment it felt like it did.  Finally the moment came.  Izuku slipped his hands free and walked up to his mother.  

She looked beautiful.  Her hair was laid neatly framing her peaceful face.  Her cheeks looked as though they were still blushing as they always did and her hands held a small bouquet of purple orchids and white roses.  Izuku felt the tears fall from his cheeks, but he didn't care.  This was the last time he would see his mother and he didn't ever want it to end.  He dropped to his knees next to the casket and placed his hands on the edge.  "I'm s-so-sorry I couldn't save y-you mom..."  

Inko's last words rang in his head, "Become a hero for me Izuku.  I love you baby."  He wiped the tears from his face And stood back up.  "I will become a hero for you mom.  I love you too."  His voice was hardly above a whisper, but he knew his mother heard him, wherever she was.  He knew she would always be with him even if he couldn't see her.  He smiled a little as he bent down and placed a light kiss on her forehead, his lips barely grazing her cold skin.  

The funeral ended as you would expect it to.  Everyone cried as the casket was lowered into the ground, even Enji.  Izuku's sobs were muffled by his mates' hugs, but anyone could see how hard he was crying.  It was understandable too.  She was his only family.  Everyone who saw him pitied him because he had nobody left, but that's where they were wrong.
Sorry it took so long to update. 


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