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I was looking through pictures of Fatgum and I almost died from the cuteness.  Like, how the hell can one person be so god damn adorable?!



*after Keigo and Izuku left*

Katsuki's Pov
Right after Keigo left with Izuku I blew up on Shitty Hair and Dunch Face. 

"What the fuck were you idiots fucking thinking?!"  I was seething.  The only reason I didn't try to kill them right then and there was because then Izu would be pissed at me.  "Do you even know what you fucking did?!"

"Katsuki, please calm down.  I'm just as upset as you are, but you're making a scene."  Shoto grabbed my arm and brought me back to earth.  I didn't realize how many people had gathered at the door until I went to leave.  

"Get the fuck out of my way you damn extras."  I was surprised that Iida didn't yell at me for being vulgar.  I stormed off to my room and slammed the door.  

There was knocking but I didn't feel like answering it.  

"Katsuki open the door!"

"Go away Shoto!"  

"Fine, but don't expect me to come back later when you're feeling all needy for attention."  I heard his footsteps get quieter and quieter.  I hated the control he had over me, how he knew just what to do and say to have me wrapped around his little finger.  I rushed out the door and down the hall.  I caught up to him and grabbed his wrist to turn him around.  

"Get your ass over here," I growled and pulled him into my arms.  

"You're such a child Katsuki," he said and I could hear the smirk in his voice.  

"Well then I guess it's a good thing that you're here to keep me in line," I shot back.  

*time skip to the evening*

Izuku's Pov
I walked through a back entrance that I had found at the beginning of the year and hoped that none of my classmates saw me.  I sprinted to the kitchen and heated up a cup of noodles, grabbed a pair of chopsticks and ran to the roof of the dorms.  I sighed, thanking whatever divine being kept my classmates from seeing me, and leaned against a wall.  The night air was chilly, but anything was better than the embarrassment of facing my classmates.  I started to slurp my noodles in peace until I heard the door creak open.  

"Deku, I know you're up here."  Kacchan's voice was surprisingly soft when he spoke.  

"Go away," I growled.

He walked over to where I was leaning.  "Listen, I'm so-"

"No, you don't get to be sorry.  You don't get to feel bad!  Do you have any idea of what you did?!  You just embarrassed the hell out of me in front of our entire class!  What I do with my mates is none of your goddamn business!"

"I was just trying to protect you!"  He said desperately.  

"Protect me?!  Are you fucking kidding?!"  My voice rose with my anger.  "You're not my dad Kacchan, SO WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE?!  EVERY TIME YOU TRY TO 'PROTECT ME' YOU MAKE SHIT WORSE!  JUST STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!"  My cup of noodles was now spilled all over the ground, being dropped in my fit of rage.  

"Deku..."  He took a step closer to me.  I reacted out of instinct and shrunk back, all of the rage I was feeling slowly dissipated.  "Please tell me you don't mean that."  His eyes looked sad and his voice was as desperate as ever.  

"I'm sorry..."  I felt myself tear up for the hundredth time that day.  "I was just really upset.  Y-you're just s-so controlling.  I kn-know you're trying to p-protect me, but I-I can handle m-myself.  Y-you did m-make things w-worse this morning, s-so maybe t-try to think b-befor you act from n-now on, ok?"

"Whatever you want Deku.  Just please don't push me away."  He pulled me into a hug with one hand while he wiped my tears with the other.  "Shi-Kirishima and Kaminari are worried about you."

I leaned closed into his hug and nodded.  I reluctantly pulled away.  "Where are they?"

"In Kirishima's room.  Do you want me to walk you?"

I was about to decline his offer when I remembered that my entire class knew what happened.  It would probably be better if he did walk me seeing as how they were less likely to say anything with him around.  I nodded and he slung an arm around my shoulders.  We walked down the stairs in silence until we reached Eijiro's room.  I noticed that my door was still wide open from when I ran out.  I went to go close the door but Kacchan stood in my way.  

"Don't go in there."  He looked me dead in the eye when he said this.  

"Why not, it's my room."  I pushed past him but he grabbed my wrist.  

"Please Deku, just listen to me."

"Let go Katsuki," I growled as I yanked my hand from his grasp.  I walked into my room and instantly understood why he didn't want me going in there.  All of my hawks and Endeavor merchandise was scattered across the room.  The bedsheets were torn apart and the walls were covered in words like slut, quirkless, useless omega, and worse.  I fell to my knees.  I heard Kacchan bang on Eijiro's door followed by yelling.  Soon I felt my mates wrap their arms around me and bring me close to their chests to keep me from seeing anymore of my room.  Everything was going in slow motion.  The last bit of my mother that I still had was gone.  My classmates did this.  I let myself sink into the warmth of my mates as they carried me back to Eijiro's room.  

They both fell asleep after a couple of hours watching movies that I wasn't paying attention to.  I didn't sleep that night though.  I slithered out of bed, careful not to wake them.  To my dismay, the desk drawer squeaked when I opened it but neither of my mates stirred.  Pulling out a pen, I began to scribble down words on the paper I had pulled out.  

To whom it may concern,

I am leaving.  Do not attempt to follow me.  Eijiro, Denki, I'm sorry for leaving but I can't stand being here anymore.  I am not suited to be a hero, so maybe I'll make a better vigilante.  I'll only have my rules to follow.  I can't stand being around the other people at this school anymore.  I'm sorry.  We probably won't ever be together again and I'm sorry for that.  Kacchan and Shochan, I am forever in your debt for what you both have done for me.  Please give Auntie Rei my love.  All Might, please continue to be the symbol of peace.  The world needs you.  


I neatly folded the note and kissed my mates on their heads.  

"Izu?  What're you doing?"  Eijiro stirred slightly.  

"Just going to the bathroom," I lied through my teeth.

"Mkay."  He rolled over and went back to sleep.  I slipped on a jacket as well as some black jeans and walked downstairs.  I put my shoes on and walked out the door, ignoring the tears that streamed down my face.  

What the hell was I doing?

Sorry about the cliffhanger.  I might update later today, but if not you're gonna have to wait until next week.  Just an fyi, the end is getting super close.


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