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So I've decided that I'm going to hell.  I was holding my tea pot and walking over to my mug but my step brother was in the way.  I asked him to move but he ignored me then I said, "Move before I Todoroki you."  We both busted out laughing because we're both mega weebs. 


I ended up spilling half the contents of my tea pot...



Izuku's Pov
As I stormed down the halls I was beyond pissed off.  People around me whispered, but I didn't care enough to listen.  I kept on walking until I felt a hand on my shoulder.  "What the hell do you want?"  I whipped around to see Mr. Aizawa.  Normally I would be mortified that I had just spoken to a teacher that way, but I couldn't bring myself to give a damn.

"I want you to slow down a bit kid.  You're halfway to the gates and you don't have permission to leave campus."  I finally noticed that I was outside.  

"I'm going home with or without permission.  You can come with me if you don't believe me, but I'm not staying here."  He heaved a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose.  

"I don't get paid enough to deal with this bullshit," he mumbled.  "Ok, let me make a quick call to the principal and then I'll drive you."  I nodded and waited patiently for him to return.  When he did, Izuku let the older man lead him to a car.  It wasn't anything too fancy, but it wasn't half bad either.  Izuku sat in the back seat, not wanting to have an awkward conversation with his teacher.  Both of them were still in hero costumes.  Aizawa started up the car and drove out of the parking lot.  Izuku gave the man directions when necessary, but otherwise they sat in silence.  "Midoriya, why were you so worked up earlier?"

No Pov
Izuku sighed.  He knew he would have to tell his teacher sooner or later and he decided the former was the best option.  "All Might just pisses me off.  A couple months before the entrance exams we met and he saved me from a villain.  I asked him if I could ever be a hero and he pretty much told me that I would just get in the way of the real heroes," Izuku took a breath to calm himself before continuing, "Then today in the mock fight Kacchan hit me and I took a bit too long to get up.  I wasn't even injured, I just needed a minute to focus, but that bastard called the fight!  He forced me to go to the nurses office and she said that I was absolutely fine.  It just pisses me off how he treats me like I can't do anything for myself!"  He was now breathing heavily and holding back tears.  Aizawa was slightly ticked off at the Symbol of Peace's actions.  He understood the boy's anger.  

"I get it kid."  He looked in the rearview mirror and smiled at the boy.  "And if you were talking to anybody but me like you just were, you would probably get your ass sent straight to detention, so watch it."  

Izuku looked up and nodded a little.  After another few minutes they arrived at a decently sized house.  Izuku got out of the car first and led his teacher to the door.  He knocked and waited for an answer.  Aizawa was extremely shocked when the number two hero answered the door.  "Midoriya, I thought you said you were going home?"  He looked between the boy and Endeavor.  

"This is home.  My mom's in America.  Uncle Enji is currently my legal guardian."  Izuku said this as though it was nothing living in the second best hero's house.  

"I didn't know you even knew him."  Aizawa was now addressing a slightly confused Endeavor.  

"Well yeah, who do you think gave me a recommendation?"  

"Would either of you mind explaining what's going on?"  Enji finally butted in.  

"Midoriya said that he needed to go home after an encounter with one of his teachers.  I was instructed to make sure he got here safe."  Aizawa refocused himself in an instant.  

"Oh...um, thank you for bringing him."  

"Midoriya, take as much time as you need to come back to school.  Just make sure when you do that you won't repeat today's actions."  

"Yes sir, thank you."  The boy bagan walking into the house as his teacher returned to his car.  

Izuku's Pov
Uncle Enji brought me into the house and sat me on the couch in the living room.  "Would you mind explaining what happened today?"  He seemed pretty irritated with me for being sent home.  

"All Might happened."  That was all I could croak out before sobbs rached my body.  I knew I was overreacting, but that didn't make it hurt any less.  It wasn't the fact that it was All Might treating me this way, it was the fact that this was the way most of the world saw me.  My uncle brought me into a warm loving hug as he tried to calm me down.  My tears dampened his shirt, but he didn't seem to mind as he pulled me closer.  

"Don't let that asshole get to you.  I know it's hard Izu, but you can do this!  You've worked so hard to get where you are.  You trained for years, and your teacher wasn't half bad if I do say so myself," he joked, earning a small giggle from me.  "People are going to try to hold you back, but if anybody can push through, it's you."  He gave me one more tight squeeze before releasing me and giving me a bright smile.  "KEIGO!  TOYA!  FUYUMI!  NATSUO!  GET OUT HERE!"  I laughed a little as the uncle I knew and loved returned.  He was loud, obnoxious, powerful, loving, caring, funny and encouraging.  "Toya, call U.A. and tell them to send Shoto home.  He'll be staying as long as Izuku's here."  He was the best uncle I could ever ask for, and over the years he became less of an uncle and more of a dad.  The whole Todoroki family took me in as one of their own.  I had everything that I could ask for.  I had great brothers and a loving sister.  Now that I could be with my mates, my family was complete.  I smiled a bit wider as my family hugged me. Even with mom in America, knew that I would never be lonely. 
I'm happy right now. 👇


1111 words. 

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