Good Times

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Fuck it.  I'm writing a smut chapter.  If you don't like it then don't read it.  Also, this is my first time writing smut so I hope it isn't too bad. 



No Pov
As the five teenagers exited the train Izuku cuddled closer to his mates for warmth.  Even though it was still the warmer months of fall the nights tended to be pretty cold.  Izuku's outfit was definitly not suited for this type of weather. 
Once they reached their dorms Izuku, Kaminari and Kirishima said their 'goodnight's to Todoroki and Bakugo. 
On the way to Kaminari's dorm Kirishima got an idea.  He smirked to himself and shot a side glance towards his blonde mate before grabbing Izuku's ass.  The small omega let out a surprised squeak and blushed madly. 
After what felt like an eternity of walking the trio finally made it to their destination.  As soon as the door was shut and locked, thanks to Kirishima, Kaminari began sucking and nipping at Izuku's neck.
The boy squeaked and sputtered.  While gasping for air he managed to ask, "W-what are y-you guys doing?"
Kirishima leaned close to his ear and whispered in a low seductive voice, "We know you've had a terrible week.  We want to help make it better. but only if you're ok with it."
"Is this ok?" Kaminari asked as he pressed Izuku against the wall and continued to kiss and suck his neck. 
"Y-yes."  He held back squeaks and closed his eyes, allowing a small smile to appear on his lips.  Kaminari continued his kissing until he hit a certain spot and heard the qreenette under him moan his name.  "D-Denki!"  He moaned again as he continued to abuse his mate's sweet spot.  At this point they had moved over to the bed and while Kaminari kissed Izuku's neck Kirishima began to deeply kiss Izuku on the lips.  His tounge explored every inch of the boy's mouth.  Izuku wasn't sure if the sounds he was making were from Kaminari or Kirishima, but he didn't care.  At the moment he was in pure bliss, all the pain from the past week completely forgotten. 

Izuku's Pov
Everything that was happening felt so right.  Eijiro kept on kissing me as his hand slithered down to the waist of my pants.  He broke our kiss and we both caught our breath. 
"Is this ok?"  He asked as he began to undo my zipper, his eyes never leaving mine.  I only nodded and looked away in order to give Denki better access to my neck. By this point I was a moaning mess. 
"Ei-Eijiro! Ah!"
"How about this?" He asked as he palmed my member through the fabric of my boxers. 
"Y-yes..." I gasped as he continued moving. 
Before I knew it we were all completely undressed.  I was on my back on the bed and Eijiro loomed over me with his hands on my waist.  Denki had helped streach me out and it was extremely painful.  After Eijiro put a condom on he lined himself up with my enterance and looked at me for approval.  I only nodded and he slowly began to push into me.  I whimpered as his large member pushed into my tight enterance.  It didn't last for long though because Denki started kissing me while stroking my member.  I moaned into the kiss, completely forgetting about the immense pain in my ass as Eijiro continued to push into me.  His thrusts started off slow and steady until I arched my back in pleasure.  He had hit my prostate and I screamed his name in pleasure. 
"Eijiro!  R-right t-there!"
He continued his slow pace, but continued to hit that spot that made my eyes roll back in pure bliss.  Before I could protest Eijiro flipped me onto my hands and knees for better access and Denki was on his knees in front of me.
"F-faster!"  My red haired mate gladly complied and was now pounding into me at a much faster, harder pace and I loved it.  
"Hey baby, is it ok if I do this?"  This whole thing made me love them even more, if that was possible.  They were being so considerate and gentle.  I nodded and lifted one of my hands up to grasp his member and began to stroke it.  After a bit of teasing I put it into my mouth.  At first only the tip, allowing me to run my tounge over the slit which sent shivers down Denki's spine.  Without warning I took all nine inches of him into my mouth at once which caused him to buck his hips.  I had to surpress a gag but continued bobbing my head anyway.  He threw his head back in pleasure and grabbed onto my hair and started to thrust into my mouth.  When I moaned it sent vibrations down Denki's member, which hee seemed to like so I started doing it more and more.  His face grew red and he tried to say something but it only came out as incoherant stammering. 
"I-Izuku I-I-AAH~"  I finally understood what he was trying to say when a warm sticky liquid filled my throat and mouth.  I smiled up at him and, much to his surprise, swollowed his entire load.  That's when Eijiro started going even faster.  I couldn't handle how good it felt anymore and allowed my arms to collapse so that the only thing sticking up in the air was my ass.  I felt a knot forming in my stomach and knew what was about to happen. 
"AhaHHH!"  All I could do was cling to the bedsheets as I came onto them and myself.  This seemed to push Eijiro over the edge because after a few slower, sloppier thrusts I felt the condom expand and him pull out with a grunt. 
Eijiro repositioned himself so that he was laying on the bed and Denki and I were resting on his chest.  I was about to drift off to sleep when I realized something. 
"Um... guys?"
they both hummed in response. 
"As much as I'd like to stay here forever, we kinda made... a mess..."  I gestured to myself and the cum covered bed sheets. 
"You're right.  We should take a shower.  Can you stand up Izu?"  Denki looked at me questioningly. 
"I-I don't think so..." 
They quickly dressed me and themselves.  While Eijiro carried me to the bathroom Denki took off the soiled bedsheets and threw them in the laundry before remaking the bed and joining us in the shower. 
They washed themselves then carefully washed me and massaged the shampoo into my hair. 
"You know guys, you did help make my week a little better.  I'm glad you're my soulmates."
Ok, It's done.  Now Imma go read a bible or something.  Thanks for reading!


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