The Party

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⬆️ That's what went through my head when I wrote the title.  I'm gonna go yeet myself out a window now. 



No Pov
Mina, Sero, and Denki were all running around the living room in an attempt to make it look a bit more fun before everyone came down.  When they were finally done they all sat on the couch and watched the hallway intently for people to come out.  The first one out was Kirishima.

"Hey Kiri, what's wrong?" Mina looked at her friend with a caring look on her face.  

"Fucking Bakugou.  I don't like that guy.  I was in my room and I heard yelling so I went to go check it out and I found him yelling at Midoriya.  He looked like he was gonna cry at any second and Bakugou didn't even fucking care!"

"Bro, what's the big deal?  It's not like you and Midoriya are even friends," Sero pointed out.  

"I don't know.  I just don't like that Bakugou was being a dick to him."  Kirishima sat down on the couch with his friends with a defeated sigh.

*time skip to when the party's in full swing*

Everyone was having fun and dancing around like idiots.  Not everyone in class 1-A.  The people that were there were Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima, Mina, Uraraka, Sero, Kaminari, Momo, Tsu, Midoriya, and Iida.  The only reason Momo and Iida came was to make sure nobody did anything stupid, although a certain level of stupidity was to be expected of a group of teenagers.  Everyone was starting to get bored of dancing when Tsu suggested something, "Why don't we play some party games kero?"

"Great idea Asui!" Kaminari shouted.

"Just call me Tsu."

"Oh, sorry," he said while smiling and rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well what do you guys wanna play?"  Mina was looking at her newfound friends with excitement.  

"How about truth or dare?"  Midoriya looked up at Mina with excitement shining in his eyes.  

Everyone else excitedly agreed and they all sat in a circle.  Uraraka was the first to speak, "Alright guys, so the way this is gonna work is someone will spin this bottle," she showed an empty soda bottle, "and they get to ask the person it lands on truth or dare.  After they do that then the other person spins the bottle and repeats.  Got it?"  Everyone nods.  The brunette spun the bottle and the game started.  

After about ten minutes everyone finds out that Mina and Sero are mates because Sero was dared to remove his shirt, Kaminari had three wires connecting him to different phones, everyone knew that Iida was a betta, and Bakugou and Todoroki were cuddling thanks to Midoriya. 

It was Tsu's turn.  When the bottle stopped spinning it landed on Midoriya. "Midoriya, truth or dare kero?"

"Dare!"  He was excited to finally get to do something fun.

"Hm..." Tsu placed a finger on her chin thoughtfully.  "I dare you to sit on Kirishima's lap for the rest of the game!"  Both boys turned a shade of red that would make Kirishima's hair dye jealous.  Slowly Izuku made his way over to where Kirishima sat.  He tentatively climbed onto the other boy's lap and covered his face in embarrassment.  Bakugou let out a low growl when Kirishima placed a hand on Izuku's waist.  

"What the fuck is your issue bro?"  Kirishima was beyond pissed.  "First I find you yelling at him about his outfit and now you're growling at me because he was dared to sit on my lap!  Is he your mate or something?"

"No you asshole!  It's because he's a fucki-"

"Katsuki!"  Izuku shot a sharp glare at the ash blonde who immediately shut up realizing his mistake.  "Shut the hell up and sit down."  Izuku was shaking with anger as he looked at the alpha that was yelling just moments ago.  

"Izu I-"

"Just shut up!"  The small boy got up still shaking.  He stormed out of the room with Kirishima following not too far behind.  

"Midoriya, wait up!"  The redhead tried to catch up but the one he was chasing only quickened his pace.  "Midoriya!"  The boy still ignored him.  "Izuku!"  He reached out and grabbed the boy's wrist and pulled him into a hug.  Izuku melted into the embrace and let the tears he had been holding back flow freely.  "Let's go to my room."  Kirishima felt Izuku nod into his chest and picked him up.  He opened the door with one hand while the other supported Midoriya.  Once they entered he sat the other boy down on the bed and knelt in front of him.  "Are you ok?"

"N-no..."  Izuku was still shaking.  

"Do you want to talk?"  Kirishima kept his voice quiet trying to soothe the upset boy.  

"No... I just want to go to bed," he mumbled in response.  

"Do you wanna just stay here?  I could sleep on the floor, I just don't want to risk you having another run in with Bakugou."  

Izuku nodded and said,"You don't have to sleep on the floor though, I don't mind sharing the bed."  Kirishima smiled a little as he climbed into bed next to Izuku.  They both fell asleep facing opposite directions.  

*time skip to the morning*

Izuku's Pov
I woke up to the morning light but tried to go back to sleep.  I could feel the remains of tears staining my face as I curled closer to my pillow.  It was really warm and comforting and... moving.  I opened my eyes and saw that I was curled up on Kiri's chest.  He looked so peaceful when he was asleep.  He must have been having a good dream because he had a small smile on his face.  I went to lay my head down when something colorful caught my eye.  I looked at his collar bone and saw a red rock with a black and yellow lightning bolt going through it.  I started to panic a little bit and looked at his wrist.  There was a dark green line marking it. 

I fell out of the bed in shock and it made a loud thud.  

"mmgh...It's too early to be awake."  Kirishima sat up rubbing his eyes when he noticed me on the ground.  "Are you ok Izuku?"

"OhyeahI'mfineIjustrememberedthatIhavethisthingIgottagodosoI'mgonnagonowseeyalaterbye!"  I stood up and ran out of the room straight to Shochan's room and knocked rapidly.  

What the actual hell was happening?
That was so awkward to write.  Not just one specific part... just the whole thing.  Not having Kiri and Bakugou be friends it so wierd. 


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