Happy Birthday

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To those of you who are reading this as it's being published, thanks for giving this story a chance!



No Pov
Today was Izuku Midoriya's eleventh birthday.  Everybody got their mate marks on their eleventh birthday so you can understand why Izuku would be excited.  He stood in the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His main mark was a straight dark green line on his right wrist.   He traced the familiar line with his index finger. He knew that his mate would be an alpha. They were the only ones that could mate with omegas.  Izuku looked at the mirror again and took off his t-shirt to reveal his new mate mark. Correction, his mate marks.  

Izuku's Pov
After I had calmed my nerves a little bit I looked back up at the mirror.  I wanted to see my new mate mark. I slipped my shirt over my head. What I saw made me stumble back in surprise.  Marking my collar bone was a deep red stone with a black and yellow lightning bolt going through it. "M-MOM!" I sprinted downstairs to where my mom was cooking breakfast.  "Mom!"

"What's the matter sweetie?" My mom asked.  Her face looked concerned.  

"My m-mate ma-marks!"  I pointed to my collar bone.  "Why are there two? What's happening mom?"

My mother just laughed at me.  "Izuku, that just means you have two mates.  It happens sometimes, you have nothing to worry about."  She smiled at me and gave me a hug. "Now go get dressed and come eat your breakfast."  

I smiled at her and wiped the tears that had fallen from my eyes in my panic.  I went up stairs and threw on my favorite All Might hoodie and a pair of khaki shorts.

Breakfast was delicious as usual.  Mom was the best cook ever. She made me an american breakfast.  There was pancakes, eggs, bacon and orange juice. She always made this for special occasions.  

Mom looked over at me with joy in her eyes as I ate the meal she prepared, but then her expression changed.  "Izuku, I know that you don't want to talk about this, but since you're eleven now you have to be prepared for when you get your first heat."  My mom was a betta, so she didn't have any real idea what heats were like.  

"Mom, don't worry."  I flashed her a smile,"I'll be prepared, I promise."  

"I'm sorry sweety.  I just don't want you to get hurt."  She began to tear up. We hadn't really ever addressed the fact that I'm an omega since it didn't matter until now.  "There are a lot of alphas out there looking for a pretty little omega to prey on and I don't want that to be you. I wish I could do more to protect you baby."  

"Mom, it's ok.  I know how to defend myself, remember?  I've been doing a lot of training with Shochan."  I met Shoto Todoroki a few years ago. He was my age and was super nice.  We met while Kacchan was picking on me one day. Shoto stepped in and froze Kacchan.  He took me back to his house and he and his dad helped patch up my injuries(In this AU Endeavor is actually a good dad, but Rei is still mentally ill).  When the two found out that I was quirkless and an omega they decided to help train me to defend myself. It was really cool training with the number two hero.  Kacchan started to be nicer to me as time went by. He and Shochan stuck up for me when people tried to bully me for being an omega or for being quirkless. We all grew really close and are now pretty much inseparable.  If I'm being honest, it's really nice to have two alphas for best friends. Nobody even tries to mess with me any more.  

I was super happy when they found out they were mates.  We were all at Shochan's birthday party and he was showing off a pale yellow explosion on his collar bone.  When Kacchan saw it he jumped into the other boy's arms and they became closer than ever. They weren't really boyfriends, but more like really close best friends that held hands sometimes.  

"Ok sweety.  I just don't want you to get hurt."  She finally composed herself. "What do you want for your special birthday dinner tonight?"  A smile slowly snuck across her face.  

I thought for a moment before coming to a decision,"Yakisoba and machi!"  Mom giggled at my excitement. I loved machi and almost everyone liked yakisoba.  By the time four o'clock rolled around mom told me to go get changed into something better suited to a party so I did.  It was tradition to show off your new mate mark on your eleventh birthday so I kept that in mind when I picked out my top.  Showing off your marks was supposed to bring good luck when you try to find your mate, or in my case mates. I ended up deciding on a black V-neck shirt and some pale blue jeans.  

It was about five o'clock when the doorbell rang.  I ran to get it while mom continued cooking dinner.  I opened it up and saw Shochan, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Toya, and Uncle Enji.  "Hi guys! Come on in! You're here kinda early so nobody else has showed up yet, but make yourselves at home."  I led them over to the couch and asked them if anyone wanted anything to drink.  

"Izu, it's your birthday.  Relax a little kid." Toya brought me into a hug and ruffled my hair.  

"Hey Izuku, where do you want the presents?" 

I looked over at Uncle Enji and smiled,"You guys didn't have to bring anything.  You being here is enough of a gift!"

"We knew we didn't have to, but we wanted to.  Where do you want me to put it?" He gestured to the bag.  

"I guess you can put it over there on the table," I gave in.  Once a Todoroki made up their mind there was no changing it.

Soon there was another ring and the Bakugou family came.  This was all we were really expecting until there was another.  I opened the door and almost fell over backwards in shock. Keigo Takami, a member of the big three at U.A. High School was standing at my door!  I had written about him in one of my hero journals. He was probably my third favorite hero even though he wasn't even out of highschool yet. The way  he can control the feathers from his wings was amazing. "Um... hi." He looked kinda nervous as he looked around the room.  

"Keigo!  You made it!"  Toya ran over to the other man that was standing in my doorway.  

"Toya!  You know him?"  I looked at him with excitement.

"Of course kid.  Who do you think invited him?"  He ruffled my hair again, making it messier than it already was.  "I wanted to tell you guys," he said turning to his family,"I found my mate.  I figured this would be the perfect time to share it."  

"Congratulations!"  I beamed up at the two.  I was really close with Toya.  We bonded over the fact that we were both omegas.  He didn't look the part or act it, in fact, most people actually mistook him for an alpha.  Only the other omegas could tell his true secondary gender. Omegas have a way of telling what anyone's secondary gender was. 

No Pov
Everyone was surprised to see that Izuku had two marks.  The rest of the night was filled with good food, laughter and present opening.  In a way they were just one big happy family. After everyone left Izuku went to bed and slept heavily all through the night with the memories of the happy day still playing in his mind.  
Ok, that's all for the first real chapter.  I am super happy with how this turned out.  Also, what do you guys think about having Toya still be in the Todoroki family?  I think it's nice to have the Todorokis be happy. 


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