Pack Your Bags

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In this AU they live in the dorms from the start of the year.  That's all I wanted to say soo...



Izuku's Pov
When I arrived at the principal's office I knocked on the door.  

"Come in!" A small voice chirped.  I walked in to see some sort of animal looking thing sitting behind a large desk.  "You're Izuku Midoriya, correct?"

"Um...yes."  I was confused as to why there was an animal behind the desk instead of a human but decided to roll with it.  

"Well, I called you here to address the fact that you are both an omega and quirkless."  He gestured for me to take a seat before he continued.  "Being quirkless is fine as long as you are able to keep up in class and training, however you being an omega is putting your entire class in danger.  You're a liability.  If you wish to continue attending this school then I must ask you to keep being an omega a secret, am I clear?"

"Y-yes sir."  I nodded slightly.

"I'm sorry Izuku, I don't mean to be harsh.  I just don't want to put you or any of the other students in danger."

I completely understood.  It was a reasonable decision and I was glad that he was trying to keep me and my classmates safe.  "I understand."

"Thank you.  You may go back to class now."  I nodded and took my leave.  

Aizawa's Pov
I looked around the class and noticed that one of the students was missing.  His name was Izuku Midoriya I believe.  He was the quirkless recommendation student.  Honestly I'm extremely impressed that a quirkless kid was able to not only get a recommendation, and survive the exam, but also get into the top hero class.  This kid is something else.  "If you're here to make friends you might as well leave.  I have no intention of training a bunch of wannabe heroes that talk over me."  I stood up and took off my sleeping bag.  They all looked at me either shocked or confused.  Only three students seemed to recognize me, but that's because I've met them all before.  Tenya Iida, the younger brother of Ingenium, Shoto Todoroki, son of Endeavor, and his mate Katsuki Bakugou.  "Every second of the next three years is precious, and you all just wasted eight of them.  I do not intend on wasting any more."  I scowled at the class.  I was about to continue when the large door to my left creaked open to reveal a small freckled boy no taller than 5'5".  There's no way that this kid is...

"Um... hi.  I'm Izuku Midoriya."  He waved awkwardly.  

"You're the recommendation student?" I asked.


"Well, take a seat and stop interrupting class," I said, allowing a bit of agitation to seep into my voice. 

"S-sorry!" He bent over ninety degrees in apology and scuttled off to his seat.  

"Today instead of wasting our time on some foolish orientation, we will be performing a quirk assessment test."  The class exploded with excitement and said something about having fun.  "You think this'll be fun?"  I smirked at them effectively scaring them shitless, "Then let's fix that.  The student that places last... will be expelled."  That seemed to shut them up.  "Put these on and meet me outside."  I tossed a stack of uniforms on the desk and walked out of the room.  

Izuku's Pov
We each grabbed a uniform and headed to the changing rooms.  On our way there I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned to see Shochan looking at me quizzically.  "What's up Shochan?" I asked as I continued walking.  

"What did the principal want with you?"

"Oh, um..." I lowered my voice a little and Kacchan walked up.  I guess he should know too.  "He wanted to tell me not to let anyone else know that I'm an omega."

"What the fuck?  Why would he say that?"  Kachan was always so hot headed. 

"He said if people find out that I'm an omega then I'm putting the whole class in danger, and I agree with him."  By now we were already in the locker rooms.  

"Hey Izu, there's one small problem."  Shochan gestured towards my marks as I took off my shirt.  Kacchan and Shochan quickly stepped in front of me so that nobody saw my marks as I got changed.  Much to my dismay, I found that the shirt didn't cover my main mark.  I tugged on Shochan's sleeve and asked if he had any bandages with him.  He nodded and helped me wrap my wrist.  After everyone was done changing we walked out onto the field and started the test.  I was able to maintain a pretty high score throughout the entire test, but there was one person who was having a particularly hard time keeping up.  Mineta I think.  

After the last test Mr. Aizawa posted the scores and Mineta burst into tears.  "Oh, by the way, I'm not expelling anyone.  It was just a logical ruse."  He gave us another maniacal grin and told us to head back to class.  

The rest of the day was extremely uneventful seeing as how after we got back to class the teacher fell asleep.  

No Pov
The class sat around awkwardly until Mina Ashido spoke up, "Hey guys!  Why don't we get to know each other?"  There was a murmur of agreement from the class.  "Ok, I'll start!  My name is Mina Ashido, my quirk is acid and I scored seventh in the entrance exam!"  Everyone was impressed with her score and continued to tell about themselves, their quirks and their scores on the entrance exams.  Everyone looked at Izuku expectantly.  He was the only one who hadn't gone yet.  

"Um... I'm Izuku Midoriya.  I don't have a quirk and I came in second in the entrance exams."

"No you didn't, Bakugou did," Sero stated.  

"Yes I did, I took the recommended exams."  The class looked at him in shock.  Before anyone could ask any questions the loudspeaker came on.  

"Please excuse the interruption.  Teachers, please remember to inform your students about the dorms.  Teachers inform your students about the dorms."  Everyone looked at their teacher with questioning looks.  He slowly got up and sighed.  

"You will all be moving into the on campus dorms over the next week.  Take a permission slip and have your parents sign them.  You all have the rest of the day to go pack and speak with your parents about this."  Tha class slowly but surely filed out of the room.  Most of them thought that the only reason they were dismissed was so that their teacher could sleep.  They were completely correct.  "Midoriya, please stay behind."

Izuku did as he was told.  "Yes sir?"

"The principal informed me of your...situation.  Would you like a separate bathroom from the rest of the class?"

Izuku was surprised that the seemingly emotionless teacher was able to show concern.  "Actually sir, I think that would raise more suspicion.  Besides, just because I'm an omega doesn't mean that anyone has to treat me differently.  Thank you for the offer though!"  Izuku gave him a quick smile and left the room.  

Aizawa’s Pov
This kid was amazing.  He was probably one of the most powerful kids I’ve ever seen even without a quirk.  I felt bad for him though.  My mate, Hizashi, is an omega and being a hero is extremely difficult for him.  His status got leaked a few years ago and ever since then he’s been a target for villain attacks.   This kid was about to go through hell and back, but for some reason I feel like he’ll be able to take it.  
Hey, I hope you enjoyed the story.  I'm sorry if it sounds a bit forced. 


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