Take It Easy

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I've never been more thankful for computer class than I am right now.  My cat is laying on my lap and I can't see my keyboard so I have to touch type.  Send help.



Izuku's Pov
After Eijoro, Denki and I rushed into class we were surprised when Mr. Aizawa didn't scold us.  All he did was tell us to take our seats and see him for the notes at the end of the day.  

"Today you'll be training again with All Might mainly because I don't have the energy to do it myself."  He was addressing the entire class, but he looked at me when he said it.  I also noticed that half of the class was watching to see my reaction.  I just sat there silently waiting for him to arrive in class. 

"HELLO CLASS!"  I watched as Mr. Number 1's eyes flickered over to me.  "TODAY WE WILL BE DOING ONE ON ONE SPARRING!  YOUR OBJECTIVE IS TO FORCE YOUR OPPONENT OUT OF BOUNDS!"  He told us to put on our uniforms and meet him in the training gym.  I slowly peeled myself out of my seat and walked towards the door.  I was about to leave when I felt someone grab my shoulder.  

"Izu, are you sure you're going to be ok?"  

"Yes Shochan, I'll be fine."  I went to turn around but his grip tightened.

"If anything happens come to me first.  Got it?"

"Yes mom," I teased and walked out of the room.  I finally arrived at the locker rooms along with the rest of the class.  Opening the door to the boys' room I went in and started changing.  I slipped out of my blazer, unbuttoned my shirt and let it slide off of my shoulders.  I didn't realize anyone was looking until I heard a familiar growl.  I whipped around to see Kacchan pinning Mineta against a locker.  "Ya know Kacchan, if you keep pinning people like that someone might think you're gay."  I giggled a little as Kacchan turned bright red and released Mineta.  I gave him a quick hug, "Thanks Kacchan."

"Whatever Deku."  I heard my mates growling at the fact that I was hugging another alpha while shirtless, but I didn't really care.  They were just going to have to deal with it.  I wasn't going to stop hugging my family just because my mates didn't like it.  When I let go of Kacchan I sighed deeply and turned to my mates.   

"Will you two knock it off?  I've known him since we were in diapers.  We are both in happy relationships with our separate mates.  Nothing has or will ever happen between us and the same goes for Shochan."  When they didn't stop growling I knew something was off.  I thought that they were upset because I was hugging Kacchan, but it was something different. 

I looked over to Kacchan and Shochan for answers, but quickly realized what had upset them.  My face went bright red and I rushed to put my shirt back on.  Nobody but the Bakugous, Todorokis and my mother have ever seen my scars.  "I-I'm just gonna g-go change in t-th-the bathroom..."  I rushed out of the room with my suit in my arms and slammed the door to the bathroom behind me.  See, there was a reason why I designed my suit to cover my whole body.  I hated people seeing my scars.  It made me feel weak and it seemed to make others think the same.  I wriggled my way into my costume and slipped on the matching beige shoes along with my belt, handcuffs, goggles and face mask.  I checked the time on the clock that hung from the wall and realized that I only had another minute to get outside.  

As I sprinted through the locker room I threw my uniform on a random bench.  I'll be damned if I'm gonna be late to Ass Might's class.  I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction.  All Might was just about to walk over to the rest of the class when I skidded to a halt and stoon with the rest of them.  

"YOU'RE CUTTING IT AWFULLY CLOSE MIDORIYA!"  He gave me a stern look.  

To everyone else's surprise I bowed in a perfect ninety degree angle.  "I'm sorry sir.  It won't happen again!"  I stood up and tried to hide the smirk that threatened to cross my face when I saw the look on his.  

No Pov
"UM... RIGHT.  WELL THEN, THE PAIRINGS WERE DECIDED BY MR. AIZAWA AND I.  THEY ARE AS FOLLOWS."  He pressed a button on a small remote and a hologram popped up.  

Uraraka & Asui

Todoroki & Ashido

Bakugou & Sato

Kaminari & Yaoyorozu

Tokoyami & Aoyama

Ojiro & Shoji

Sero & Hagakure

Kirishima & Iida

Koda & Jiro

Midoriya & Mineta

Everybody was pretty evenly matched, except for Midoriya and Mineta.  Everyone knew that Midoryia could take Mineta out in an instant.  His reflexes speed and general skills couldn't even be compared to those of the little grape boi.  Midoriya was pissed that he was being paired with Mineta, but wouldn't show it.  They all walked to the large arena that was built in the center of the gym and waited for the matches to begin.  Some of them *cough Midoriya cough* took notes on their classmates' fighting styles, their mistakes, and their quirks.  Asui beat Uraraka by swinging her out of the arena with her tongue.  Todoroki  quickly forced Ashido out of bounds by scaring her with his fire.  Sato was blown out of the ring by Bakugou's explosions.  Yaoyorozu pushed Kaminari out after he fried his brain with a large-scale attack.  Aoyama was able to push Tokoyami out of bounds after rendering Dark Shadow useless with his naval laser.  Shoji extended his arms and threw Ojiro out of the ring.  Sero couldn't find Hagakure until she had shoved him out of the arena.  Kirishima won against Iida by making himself immovable with his quirk.  Jiro blew Koda back with just one sonic boom and now the whole class' attention was on Midoriya and Mineta.  

Mineta looked confident as he stepped up on the arena, but Midoriya looked extremely nervous.  When they were given the signal Midoriya slowly and cautiously walked over to Mineta.  

"Don't worry cutie, I'll go easy on you."  Mineta wore a disgusting grin as he lunged at the approaching omega.  When he was close enough he threw two of his sticky orbs at him.  Izuku broke into a grin of his own as he backflipped over the oncoming objects.  He removed a pair of handcuffs midair and slapped them over Mineta's wrists as he landed.  The smaller male let out a yelp of surprise.  Leaning down to the other's ear, Izuku smiled even wider.  

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," he purred.  He grabbed the chain of the handcuffs and slung Mineta out of the ring.  He landed with a soft thud and a grumble of irritation.  Izuku walked over to the boy he had defeated and unlocked the handcuffs.  "Thanks for going easy on me!"  He shot Mineta a blinding smile and walked away.  

"ALRIGHT CLASS, THAT'S ALL FOR TODAY.  YOU MAY GO GET CHANGED AND MAKE YOUR WAY TO LUNCH!"  The teacher went to walk away but was stopped by a tap on his arm.  

"Sir, may I speak with you?"

He turned around to see the green haired boy that hated him so much.  "What is it young man?"  All Might's usually confident voice was replaced with a slightly apprehensive one.  

"I want to apologize for my behavior.  I was upset, but that does not justify how I spoke to you.  I am deeply sorry."  For the second time that day the greenet bowed to All Might.  

"No need to be so formal my boy!"  All Might chuckled.  "I too am sorry for how greatly I underestimated you."  He paused and smiled down at the boy in front of him.  "NOW GO TO LUNCH BEFORE YOU'RE LATE MY BOY!"  

"Oh... right!"  Izuku bowed one last time before running to catch up with the rest of his class.
It's not even 9pm and I'm already exhausted. 
Am I going to go to bed?
Haha... no.


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