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Sorry for not posting for a while.  I just needed some time to focus and get more ideas.  I didn't want to publish anything that wasn't worth reading.



No Pov
After the funeral everyone went to Enji's house.  Izuku was silent during the ride aside from a few muffled sobs and stray whimpers.  Toya kept a firm grasp on Keigo's hand as he suppressed his tears and Kirishima and Kaminari each kept an arm wrapped around Izuku.  All three alphas tried their best to comfort their mourning mates.  

When they got to the Todoroki house they were welcomed in by the number two hero.  Kirishima and Kaminari were amazed at how large the estate was being that they had never visited before.  They knew that being the number two hero would have provided plenty of money for the Todorokis, but they didn' think it would be this much.  Before the boy could pass him, Enji pulled Izuku into a tight embrace and held him for a few minutes.  Both of them treasured this comfortable silence.  Izuku held onto him like his life depended on it and sobbed into the man's shirt.  When they parted Izuku realized that his uncle was crying tears of his own.  As they slipped down his face they sizzled against his fiery beard with small puffs of steam.  

Nobody knew what to say so they all just walked into the house and tried to find a place to sit in the slightly crowded area.  Much to Izuku's surprise there were a few pro heroes there along with quite a few people that he didn't know.  He hadn't noticed anyone at the funeral since his sight was constantly fogged by his tears, but now that he could see clearly he was quite surprised.  Crimson Riot, Ectoplasm, Gunhead, Power Loader, Death Arms, Native, Snatch, Snipe, Fourth Kind, Uwabami, Nezu, Eraserhead and Present Mic were all in attendance.  

Under normal circumstances Kirishima would have run over to Crimson Riot and gawk about how manly and chivalrous he was and ask for his autograph, but he knew this wasn't the time and that he needed to focus on comforting and supporting his mate.  

"Ei, you can go.  I'm fine."  Izuku looked up at his red haired mate with a small smile.  Izuku could always read his mates and Kirishima was grateful for that.  

"Are you sure Izu?  I don't want to leave you if you need me."  He looked at the other with eyes full of concern.  

"Don't worry.  I just want to be alone for a little while, ok?"  He still tried to hold his smile as salty tears threatened to fall from his eyes.  

"Yeah, ok.  I'll take Denki with me."  He gestured for the blonde to follow him and he complied.  

Izuku walked into the kitchen and grabbed a plate of the food that was set out for people which he assumed Fuyumi and Natsuo had prepared.  He didn't take much because he wasn't really hungry, but it would have been rude not to take any at all.  He made his way into the living room and sat next to Keigo.  The blonde slung an arm around the younger male and pulled him closer.  

"How ya doin' kid?"

"I don't know..."  He looked down at his plate.  "I just don't want to be around all these people right now.  Why are there so many heroes here?"

"Well from what Enji told me they're her former classmates.  Didn't your mom ever tell you she went to U.A.?"

"No... I didn't know that."

"Yeah, apparently she was in the support course.  Enji told me that she helped design a ton of hero costumes during her time there."

"Oh wow.  I knew that she designed clothing for work, but she never went into specifics."

"Enji told me that she designed all of his costumes.  Maybe she designed yours too."

"Wait, she could have designed my costume without me knowing?!"

"Well yeah.  Most designers don't like to give their names, they just have little signatures that they put on the costumes.  If I remember correctly your mother's was a small printed tag on the inside of one of the sleeves.  You should give it a look when you get back to school," the blonde suggested while slightly nudging the boy that sat next to him.  

"Yeah, I will.  Thanks Kei."  Izuku got up and tried to put on a fake smile before leaving the room.  He really wanted to be alone... well no.  He didn't want to be alone.  He wanted to be with his mother.  He wanted to be wrapped in her warm embrace.  He wanted to see her beautiful smile.  He wanted her to stay with him forever.  He walked into his room and locked the door before flopping onto his bed and crying.  What started as a few small whimpers turned into heaving sobs and eventually morphed into a full blown panic attack.  His breathing was sporadic and labored and hot tears flowed endlessly down his face.  His hands shook uncontrollably and his head spun.  He subconsciously released an alarming amount of distress pheromones which only made it harder for him to breathe.  

Izuku's Pov
I couldn't breathe.  I was being suffocated by my own scent.  It felt like the world was closing in on me.  My ears rang and my limbs started to go numb from lack of oxygen.  My peripheral vision started to go black.  This only made me panic more.  I heard yelling outside.  Someone must have heard me crying.

"Izuku!  Open the door!"  Uncle Enji was at the door and was trying to twist the knob.  

"I-I...c-c-can't... br-brea-the," I sobbed and the rattling of the doorknob grew more frantic.  Just as I was about to lose consciousness I heard the door burst open and I felt a pair of strong, warm arms wrap around me as I fell from the bed.  That was when the darkness consumed me. 
I wrote the panic attack bit from experience(minus the pheromone part obviously), so don't come at me saying that that's not what they're like. 


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