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Hello Insomniacs!  I just finished the last chapter of Superglue Can't Fix This and I still wanna write so here we are.  Hope you enjoy!



Izuku's Pov

I was walking home after a long day at school.  Shochan was home sick and Kacchan skipped school again so all of the kids took advantage of the opportunity to pick on me.  I couldn't fight back because if I did they would lie and tell the teacher that I attacked them. I can't tell Kacchan or Shochan either because they'd probably kill whoever hurt me.  I don't want anybody to die so that's kinda off the table. I just took the beatings like I always did. They would tease me for being quirkless and play a game to see who could scare the little omega the worst.  I hated when they did that. It put my anxiety on edge for the rest of the day because of their pheromones. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until I found myself under a bridge. I hated dark spaces, but this wasn't too bad.  I could see the way in and the way out, but something seemed off. The omega in me told me to run, but I didn't. I knew there was nothing wrong so I kept my steady pace, that is until I couldn't lift my foot. I looked down to see a murky green sludge begin to consume my leg.  

"Yes, you'll make quite a nice skin suit!"

Skin suit?  What the hell?!  I struggled to free my leg from the muck that encapsulated it but the disgusting substance continued up my body.  As I tried to scream the thing shoved itself down my throat and began to suffocate me. My vision became blurry and clouded with tears.  I clawed desperately at the thing but it was no use.  

Kirishima's Pov

I was sitting at home when I got a wave of anxiety for no apparent reason.  I felt small aches and pains throughout the whole day and it really pissed me off knowing that one of my mates was getting hurt.  My lungs began to burn and my head hurt. I looked down at my wrist and saw that the dark green line on it began to turn black. My heart dropped at the sight.  I knew that I had another alpha for a mate who had an electric type quirk and a quirkless omega mate. My quirkless omega was dying right now and there was nothing I could do about it.  

Izuku's Pov

Black spots dotted my vision and I knew that this monster was about to take my life.  I didn't want to die though. I wanted to live to meet my mates! I had to! I kept fighting and was going to fight with every last bit of energy I had.  

"DETROIT SMASH!!!"  I was blown away and was finally able to breathe again.  I sat up slowly and looked around me. The remains of the sludge that had attached me were now scattered across the street.  "Young man? Are you alright?"

"ALL MIGHT?!?"  My favorite hero was standing in front of me and asking if I was alright.  I quickly nodded,"Y-yes! I-I'm fine!"

"Are you sure?  It takes a lot of strength to fight off a villain that size!"

I nodded again.  Convinced, he proceeded to scoop up the villain in a couple of two liter soda bottles.  As he was about to walk away I got up the courage to speak up.  

"Um...All Might?"

"Yes young man?"

"D-do you thing t-that I can b-be-become a hero even if I'm quirkless?"

He turned to me and saw that I was about to shatter into a million pieces.  "No, no I don't. That would be absolutely reckless. You would only put yourself and others in danger."  With that he walked away leaving me to pick up the pieces.  

Kaminari's Pov

I had been feeling little bits of pain here and there throughout the whole day and was slightly upset because I knew one of my mates was getting hurt.  When I got home the pain intensified and I noticed the dark green line on my wrist started to fade. I sat on the couch staring at it as tears fell from my eyes.  They can't die! We haven't even met yet! I haven't even had the chance to fall in love with them! I kept watching and cried even harder when the line regained its color.  My mate was going to live.  

*Time Skip Brought to you by Uncle Enji*

Izuku's Pov

After my encounter with All Might I went straight over to the Todoroki house.  Fuyumi opened the door and saw me crying my eyes out. She brought me in and sat me on the couch while she ran to get her father.

"Izuku, what's wrong?"  Uncle Enji looked at me with concern in his eyes.  

"I m-met All Might t-today..."


"He t-told m-m-me I couldn't be a h-hero."  I sobbed even harder. I saw the anger in my uncle's eyes grow with the flames on his body.  

"That bastard," he muttered under his breath,"You will become a hero, I promise you that."  He pulled me into a tight hug until he went to call my mom to talk about something.  Little did I know that that was the begining of his hatred for the numbro one hero.  Sure they were rivals before, but this was something completely different.  I sat on the couch waiting for him to come back when I began feeling extremely hot. Sweat dripped down my back.  I took off my coat in an effort to cool down but it didn't work. Suddenly there was an extreme pain in my lower back.  I yelped and fell off the couch. Toya and Keigo ran into the room and saw me on the floor whimpering. I didn't know what was happening or why everything hurt so bad, all I knew was that I wanted it to stop.  

"Keigo," Toya looked at his mate worriedly, "I think he's in heat."  

"Well what do you want me to do about it?"  The blonde looked over at his mate slightly confused.  

There was another wave of pain and I screamed out.  

"Help him!"  Toya looked desperate.  He knew from experience how painful it was to go through heat without an alpha to comfort you.  

"O-ok," Keigo agreed.  He walked over to me and knelt down.  "Izu, can I pick you up?" I couldn't think clearly through all of the pain and heat but somehow managed to nod.  I felt his arms wrap around me as he carried me bridal style back up to the couch. As soon as he held me almost all of the pain went away.  He sat on the couch with me curled up next to him. Since he had grown to be like another older brother to me it wasn't awkward, just comfortable.  He kept me close as Toya gathered materials to build a nest in the guest bedroom.  

I overheard him talking to his father as I leaned against Keigo.  

"Dad, he has to stay here until he's out of his heat.  I think this is his first one and there aren't any alphas at his house."

"Ok, but you have to tell Inko.  I'm going to go make sure he's ok."  

I looked up as he entered the room.  Another small wave of pain hit me and I whimpered snuggling closer to the alpha that sat next to me.  

"Hey Izuku," Uncle Enji said.  "We're gonna help you get through this, ok?"  I kept my eyes shut as I nodded and Keigo tightened his grip on me.  
Thanks for reading!  It's always appreciated!


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