Auntie Rei

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Sorry for taking so long to update.  I'm trying to catch up on schoolwork.  I announced this on Look At How We've Grown, but I'll be alternating updating this story and the other every other week.  Since I'm updating this story this week there won't be any updates next week. 



Izuku's Pov
I gasped as I looked at what Fuyumi gave me to wear.  There was a light yellow cropped hoodie and short blue jean shorts with roses embroidered on them.  The corp top was thankfully long enough not to show too much of my midriff and came over my fingers, which I liked.  The shorts were another story.  They left very little to the imagination and hardly came past the hem of my underwear.  I walked out of the bathroom and blushed heavily as Fuyumi gushed about how adorable I looked.  "Yumi, you know that nobody else is going to be very happy about this, right?"

"I'm sure your mates will be," she winked at me.  I turned away and groaned.  She then handed me a pair of white thigh high socks and some pale green converse and told me to put them on before we leave.  I have to admit, having an older sister was nice except for when she used me as her personal barbie doll.  She then helped my brush through my hair so that it looked semi decent and put a few pins in so that it wouldn't get in my eyes.  

I walked out in the living room and saw Kacchan, Shochan, Toya and Keigo all sitting on the couch waiting for everyone else to be ready.  I walked out they all looked at me and I was suddenly aware of how little my clothing covered.  Kacchan got up and growled at the shorts that I was wearing.  

"You're going out in that?"

"Yes he is," Fuyumi spoke for me.  I really did appreciate her.  She knew that I was intimidated by Kacchan sometimes and jumped in when she thought it was necessary.  

"You did this, didn't you?" Toya smirked at his little sister.  She gave him a cheeky smirk before shrugging her shoulders.  

Although Kacchan and Keigo didn't look too happy about my outfit, they knew better than to talk back to Fuyumi from... past experiences.  She could be really scary when she wanted to be, but to me it was just quite funny.  

Soon after that we all loaded up into separate vehicles, Toya, Fuyumi and Keigo in one car, Natsuo, Shochan and Kacchan in another and Uncle Enji and I in the last.  The other two drivers went in the direction of the restaurant Uncle Enji had decided on while he and I drove in the direction of the U.A. dorms where Denki and Eijiro waited for us.  

When I got out of the car to go get them they both blushed madly at my outfit while I tried to get the shorts to cover a little bit more but failed.  I led them to the car and we continued our drive to the restaurant in a comfortable silence aside from the sounds of passing cars.  

No Pov
The Todoroki family and company arrived at a fancy restaurant and took their seats at a large table.  The waitress excused herself to allow the group to select their meals.  Once everyone had ordered Enji cleared his throat.  

"I have something that I'd like to tell you all."  All of the conversations hushed as everyone directed their attention to the flame wielding hero.  

"Since Inko's passing I've been talking with Fuyumi and pulled some strings."  Under the table Izuku's grip tightened on Kaminari's thigh while Kirishima placed a gentle hand on his free hand.  "I would like to make Izuku an official member of the Todoroki family."  He turned to the small shocked boy.  "What do ya say kid?  Do you want to be a Todoroki?  You don't have to answer right away."  

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