Forget Me Not

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Fuck.  This story is gonna make me cry :(



No Pov
The doctor came out and everyone in the waiting room held their breath.  She looked around before asking, "Who all is here for Todoroki?"

Everyone in the waiting room stood.  "Very well, follow me."  As she walked back through the doors from which she came she gave them no explanation as to where they were going and only spoke again when they reached another door.  "I regret to inform you that he most likely won't make it through the night.  You may stay with him as long as you like and we will do everything in our power to keep him alive for as long as possible.  He's lost a lot of blood so he may drift in and out of consciousness."  Kaminari collapsed and it was Keigo who caught him and held him close.  

The two blondes had grown closer since Izuku's disappearance and were like brothers at this point.  "Hey kid, it's gonna be ok.  He's strong, he'll pull through."   

They walked into the sickeningly white room and stared in shock at the pale boy that laid on the hospital bed.  His eyes were half lidded and his lips, which usually held a smile, held no color.  He turned weakly to them and smiled.  

"I'm sorry... for everything."  Tears pooled in his eyes.

"Izuku..."  Kaminari's voice was barely above a whisper.  "Why?"

"I couldn't see you die.  I just couldn't."

His mates, forgetting any hurt feelings that may have lingered, rished to his side and wrapped him in a hug while being mindful of the fresh wound.  "I'm sorry that it has to end like this," Izuku said with a weak smile.  

"Damnit kid, don't talk like that.  You're not dead yet so stop acting like it!"  Keigo pushed through the crowd and took Izuku's hand in his own.  "You're gonna be fine."

"Kei, the doctors told me everything.  Just promise me, all of you, that you won't forget me..."

Everyone murmured their promises.  After that the room went silent except for the slow beeping of the heart monitor.  Eventually people started talking, sharing good memories and telling jokes.  It was like everything was normal again... until the beeping stopped, in its stead was a long, high pitched tone.  People started screaming for a doctor and others started crying.  The doctor from before rushed in and pushed everyone out while they took Izuku away on a stretcher.  

*Five Years Later*

"Babe, c'mon.  Hurry up and get your shoes on.  We have to get to the cemetery before noon!"  Kirishima was at the door shouting for Kaminari.  

"I'm coming Ei!  Just gimme a sec!"  Kaminari emerged from a hallway in a white dress shirt and black slacks, his outfit matching Kirishima's.  They both slipped on their shoes and threw their jackets around their shoulders.  They walked out to the driveway hand in hand.  

"It's been so long," the blonde muttered.  

"Yeah.  I can still see Izu trying to put on a brave face.  He was so upset about it but tried to keep it all in.  It tears me up, ya know?"

"Yeah, I know."

"What are you two talking about?  Come on!  Get in the car!"  Izuku poked his head out from the driver's side window.  "We're gonna be late!"  The two picked up their pace and hastily got into the car.  "If Uncle Enji yells at me for being late I blame you two."

"Well you're not gonna get there any sooner if you don't start driving genius." 

"Can it Ei," the greenette shot back playfully.

They drove off down the road until they reached a large cemetery.  Izuku was the first to exit the vehicle.  He grabbed a large bouquet of flowers from the trunk.  He started walking to the spot where his mother was buried with Kirishima and Kaminari following closely behind.  When they got there they were met by Enji, Rei, Fuyumi, Shoto, Keigo, Natsuo, Toya, Katsuki, Mitsuki and Masaru.  Their entire family was there, along with about fifty reporters all snapping pictures of the scene.  They had all grown used to the publicity seeing as how they were a family full of heroes.  Though it annoyed them there wasn't much they could do.  

They continued the memorial as they had planned and ignored the onslaught of questions that were being thrown at them.  After about twenty minutes the family was done with what they came to do and tried to leave.  Key word tried.  The reporters surrounded them.  

"Whose grave are you visiting?"

"Do you have time to speak about your most recent fight?"

"How do you feel about Endeavor's recent retirement?"

“Isn’t it dangerous to be a quirkless hero?”

"What's it like being married to a former vigilante?"

"Do you plan on holding a press conference anytime soon?"

"Phoenix, what's it like being the number one hero?"

"Are you afraid that Phoenix will return to being a vigilante?"

"When do you start teaching at U.A. High school?"

"Is it true that you've taken down the L.O.V. for good?"

The reporters hardly gave them time to hear the questions, let alone answer them.  To everyone's surprise it was Izuku who stepped forward.  

"If you would all please quiet down then I will answer as many of your questions as possible with the help of my family, however, w have a schedule to keep so we may not be able to answer all of your questions."  This seemed to please the reporters because they all quieted down.  

Izuku and the rest of his family went on to answer as many of their questions as they could until Enji told them that they had to leave.  

"One last question Phoenix!"  A dark haired reporter yelled.  He had dark hair, glasses and camera lenses coming out of his hands.  

"Yes sir?"

"Can Japan rely on you to keep us safe, or is there a chance that you will revert to being a vigilante?"

"I assure you, and all of Japan, that I am here to stay.  I promise that I will be a hero that you won't forget."  And with those words he and his family continued their day.  

The reporter smiled to himself.  He had no intention of publishing anything about what had just occurred.  He only came because he needed to know that Phoenix was here to stay.  He needed to know that Japan was safe, and indeed it was.  

Izuku was right, he was going to become the hero that Japan would never forget.
Alright guys, that's the end of this book.  Thank you all so much for reading!

Will you remember me?

Forget Me Not (Kirikamideku)(Omegaverse)Where stories live. Discover now