Moving In

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I'm bored and have nothing better to do right now so I'm gonna write.  Hope you enjoy!



Izuku's Pov
"Mama!  I'm home!"  I walked around the room looking for my mother.  Finally I found her in the laundry room.  "Hey mom, I have something I've gotta talk to you about."  

"Ok sweety, just let me finish this up and then we can talk in the living room."  She smiled at me over her shoulder and continued doing her work.  

"Sounds good mom," I said, placing a kiss on her cheek.  I walked away and took a seat in the living room.  She wouldn't be out for a couple minutes so I decided to pull out my phone and play a game or two.  

"So what was it you wanted to talk about Izuku?"  She walked out from the hall and took a seat next to me.  

"We were informed today that we're supposed to move into the new dorms this week.  I was wondering if you would sign the permission slip to let me stay on campus."  

"Oh Izuku!  This couldn't be more perfect!"  She seemed to be overjoyed by the thought of me moving out.  

"Um, what?"

"Well, I was going to tell you today.  I got an amazing offer for a new job.  The only problem was that it's in America.  Now that you'll be living at school I can take the job!"

"Mom, that's great!  You should absolutely take it!"  I immediately matched her excitement.  

"Are you sure sweety?  I don't want to leave you here all alone."  

"Don't worry mom.  If anything happens I can always go to Uncle Enji for help."  I smiled at her and placed my hand on top of hers.  She smiled up at me and gave me a big hug.  After a few moments she broke away.  

"Now go get packed Izu, I'll sign the slip."  She placed a kiss on my cheek and shooed me off to my room.  

I packed all of my Hawks and Endeavor merchandise first.  I was definitely going to decorate my room with this.  Whatever didn't get packed I was assuming would go into storage.  I made sure to grab all of my clothes and toiletries.  Next I packed up my bedding.  When I was finally done mom had finished preparing dinner.  

"So Izu, after we finish supper do you want to go over to the dorms?  I could help you pack if you'd like."  My mom smiled over at me from across the table.  

"Sure mom, that sounds great!"

*time skip*

Mom and I finally finished setting up my room and we both fell back onto my bed.  I found out that the red haired boy, Kirishima I think his name was, was in the dorm to my left and Kacchan was in the one to the right.  

"Izuku, promise me that you'll call if anything happens ok?"

"I promise.  I'll text you every day after school and we can facetime on the weekends."  She nodded and smiled.  

After pulling me into a big hug she whispered into my ear.  "I'm gonna miss you so much Izuku."

"I'm gonna miss you too mom.  I love you."

"I love you too sweetie."  

After that mom had to go pack and make arrangements for the apartment.  I sat alone in my room until there was a knock at the door.  I reluctantly got up and answered it.  At my door stood Keigo and Shochan.  "Hi guys!  Come on in!"  I failed to consider that my room was covered with posters and figurines of Shochan's dad and Keigo.  

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