Hello Again

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I dond't really know what to say... There isn't much one can say at the end of a book.  Fyi, this is the second to last chapter. 



*Two Years Later*

No Pov
Two years ago to the day Kirishima and Kaminari woke up to the heartbreaking letter placed on the desk in Eijiro's room.  They cried for days on end.  The Todoroki family was devastated.  The search for the missing boy went on for four months with no leads or any clue at all as to where the boy went... that is until a new vigilante appeared.  He went by the name of Phoenix.  He had no quirk, and if he did have one then he didn't use it in battle.  He would appear seemingly out of thin air and disappear just the same.  Detectives gathered as much information as they could and concluded that he was indeed the missing boy, Izuku Todoroki.  

The students of Class 3-A were out for work studies when there was an emergency call about a mad shooter in Tokyo.  Only one hero team was close enough to respond.  The members of Team Fatgum rushed to the area of the attack.  Both Kaminari and Kirishima had been recommended by Tamaki Amajiki, who was now a full time sidekick to Fathom.  When they got there Amajiki rushed to remove civilians from harm's way while the other three heroes tried to fend off the attackers. 

There was a large man with guns in his hands along with two women, each with bullet proof vests.  They were both holding machine guns and shooting erratically with no specific target in mind.  Both Fatgum and Kirishima were able to take the bullets but Kaminari was forced to help with rescue efforts being that he had no way of protecting himself.  That's when he saw it.  A flash of red.  A small boy, maybe 5'6" at best, with dark green hair rushed into battle.  He dodged all of the bullets with ease.  Once he was close enough he threw a knife at the man and it lodged itself in his shoulder making him drop one of his weapons.  Phoenix took the opportunity to pin the man.  The women kept shooting.  

He threw another knife at the abdomen of one of them and she crumpled to the ground.  Now all of the bullets were aimed at him.  He easily dodged them and quickly pinned her as well.  He was about to handcuff the offenders when a silver glint caught his eye.  The man was pointing a gun at Kaminari.  He took off before the bullet even left the barrel and raced to the aid of his mate.  He was racing against the bullet and pushed the blonde hero out of the way, taking the bullet to his chest.  

"IZUKU!"  Kirishima and Kaminari rushed to the vigilante's side as he bled onto the concrete.  His breathing was shallow and labored.  

"Hey baby, stay with me, stay with me," Kaminari said as he tried to hold back his tears.  "BOSS!  CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

Kirishima held the greenette's head in his lap and brushed the messy hair out of his face.  "Everything's gonna be alright Izu.  We're gonna get you help and then you can come back to U.A. with us.  We'll become the best hero team ever, you just gotta hold on babe.  Just hold on for me baby."

Kirishima looked down in horror as the green line on his wrist started to fade into black.  "SUNEATER!"

Tamaki rushed over and looked at the scene in front of him.  He didn't ask any questions but quickly applied pressure to the wound.  


"Hey kid," he smiled gently.  "You're gonna be alright, I promise."  He kept smiling at the boy in spite of the tears that rolled down his face.  The sound of sirens grew louder and louder as the ambulances approached.  They were mere minutes away as the light started to fade from Izuku's eyes.  

"I-I'm so...sorry f-for le-aving."  He coughed up a bit of blood.  "Ei, Denki.  I... love you."  

His eyes fluttered shut and his breathing halted.  The ambulances pulled up and Fatgum led the medics to where Izuku laid limp on the concrete.  They lifted him onto a stretcher and rushed him into the ambulance.  They wouldn't let anyone ride with them because of how critical a condition the boy was in.  He wasn't breathing, but his heart was still faintly beating.  The vehicle sped off with Fatigue driving the three young heroes following quickly behind.  

Kirishima quickly dialed Enji Todoroki's number on the drive there and explained everything that had just happened.  The hero team sat anxiously in the waiting room for hours upon hours.  At some point the Todoroki family arrived along with Keigo and Bakugo.  They all waited and waited, the only sound filling the room was the droning TV that nobody was listening to.  

At some point Fatgum excused himself, saying that he had another call coming in.  He allowed Amajiki to stay and wait for any news on his young friend.  After a few more monotonous hours Nejire and Mirio arrived and joined the crowd of anxious people.  None of them have seen or heard from him in years, but they didn't lose hope of reuniting with him someday... at least up until now.  The chances of him living were quite slim.  He had lost far too much blood and wasn't breathing the last time Kirishima and Kaminari saw him.  

Kaminari cried into Kirishima's chest while Rei clung desperately to her husband's arm.  Bakugou had his head in his hands and Shoto rubbed circles on his back.  Keigo paced around the room with his wings puffed up, showing how scared he was.  Mirio had an arm around Tamaki, who was staring off into space with a shocked look on his face.  Nejire fiddled with the hem of her shirt.  

They all stopped what they were doing when a doctor emerged from the white doors that seperated the waiting room from the rest of the hospital.  What she said next made all of them tear up.
Damn, I'm getting pretty good at this whole cliffhanger thing. 


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