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I'm sorry.



Izuku's Pov
The morning sun splashed my face with it's orange hue.  I rubbed my eyes and decided to check my phone.  The first thing I saw was a notification telling me I had thirteen missed calls from Uncle Enji.  I clicked on the notification and saw that I had two missed calls from Toya, three from Fuyumi, five from Keigo and four from Toya.  I panicked as I thought of what could have gone wrong.  

I fumbled with my phone for a moment and was about to call Uncle Enji when there was a harsh knock at the door.  I rushed to answer it and was met by a scared looking Aizawa.  

"Midoriya, you have to come with me now.  There was an accident.  I'll fill you in on the way."  I nodded and grabbed my jacket.  We rushed to the entrance and slipped our shoes on.  I felt my eyes brimming with tears as we entered the teacher's car.  I was surprised to see Shochan and Kacchan already in the backseat.  Mr. Aizawa didn't speak until we drove off campus.  "Your mother was on a plane back to japan to surprise you when it crashed.  Thanks to the pilot there were a few survivors, your mother being one of them."  I was now sobbing while clinging to the other boys' hands with my own.  He had a few tears of his own running down his face.  "We're going to the hospital now.  The rest of the Todoroki family is already there as well as the Bakugou family."  

*time skip to the hospital*

No Pov
As soon as Aizawa was told what room Inko was in there was no stopping Izuku.  He sprinted as fast as he could to his mother's room and burst through the doors.  He pushed through the crowd of people that stood around her.  Upon seeing her Izuku fell to his knees at her side.  

"Iz...u...ku?"  Her voice was broken and weak.  The boy peeled himself off of the floor and tried to put on a smile for his mother.  

"Hi mom,"  He choked out.  Somehow he still managed to smile for her.  Her green hair laid like a halo around her head.  Even in this state she was still so beautiful.  "Everything's gonna be alright mom, I promise."

"No baby... it's not.  I kn...ow that... I don't have long...the doc...tors told me so.  I...zu baby, I love you so mu...ch.  I'm just... just happy I got... to see you ag...ain.  I love you sweety."  She smiled up at her son.  Everyone in the room broke a little at the woman's speech.  Shoto, Katsuki and Aizawa had finally gotten into the room and were breathing heavily.  

"Aunty!"  Katsuki and Shoto exclaimed at the same time and rushed to Izuku and Inko's side.  

"I love... you all.  Become a hero Izuku, for me."  The last statement was stronger and unbroken.  His mother's grasp tightened on his hand as he leaned down and kissed her on her cheek.  She kissed him on his forehead and whispered in his ear, "I love you baby."  The boy straightened up again and let the tears stream down his face.  

She let go.  

Her fingers laid limp in his hand.  

The heart rate monitor let out a long high-pitched tone.  

Her eyes were closed and they were never going to open again.  

Izuku's screams and sobbs echoed throughout the entire hospital.  Keigo placed an arm around Izuku's shoulder and pulled him into a hug while his own chest heaved with sobbs.  Izuku's eyes never left his mother.  After everyone reluctantly said their goodbyes to their beloved Inko the doctors wheeled her out of the room.  

Izuku had stopped sobbing and just stood there emotionless.  He only moved when he was told to move, only stood where he was told to stand, only did what he was told to do.  He felt like every inch of his body was shattered.  

"Midoriya, you can either stay with the Todorokis or you can return to the dorms with me."  Aizawa's face was covered in pain.  He had witnessed many deaths, but had never seen the effect it had on a family.  It had moved him in a way that he had not anticipated and he never wanted to feel like that ever again.  

"I want to go back to the dorms."  The greenette's voice was quiet and void of any emotion.  

"Alright, say your goodbyes then."  Izuku nodded and gave everyone a hug and the best smile he could muster, which wasn't much.  He followed his teacher back out to the parking lot and got back into the oh-so-familiar car.  The drive back to U.A. was silent aside from the sounds of the city.  

As they drove back on campus Aizawa decided to break the silence.  "Bakugou and Todoroki will only be excused for the rest of this week, however you may take as much time off as you need as well as your mates if you want them to stay with you."

"Thank you sir."  Izuku didn't bother to look up from his hands as he said this and continued his silence all the way into the dorms.  Aizawa had left him at the door and went to his own dorm to rest.  Izuku however, did not return to his room.  He didn't want to spend time anywhere that reminded him of his mother, not yet, and she decorated that room with him.  Instead he knocked on Kaminari's door.  The Kaminari threw open the door and smiled down at his mate as Kirishima grinned from the bed.  

"Hey ba-" he was cut off by Izuku flinging himself at him and sobbing into his shirt and releasing an alarming amount of distress pheromones.  "Hey, hey?  What's wrong?  Are you hurt?"  Kirishima quickly ran over to the two to see what was wrong.  

"M-m-my m-mo-mom j-j-j-just d-d-d"  He was cut off by another heart wrenching sob.  "S-she... s-s-she's g-go-ne," he sobbed into his mate's shirt.  Neither of them knew what to say.  They just wrapped their arms around the grieving boy and whispered sweet nothings into his ears.  They all stayed like that for a while, the alphas comforting their distressed omega as they all kneeled on the floor of the dorm.  

After about forty five minutes of constant sobbing Izuku quickly rushed out of the room.  Kirishima and Kaminari were right on his heels as he threw open the door to one of the stalls in the dorm restrooms.  He bent over the toilet and began vomiting.  He cried for so long that he was throwing up.  This didn't help at all, in fact it only made his sobbing worse.  He bent over the bowl again and puked for the second time.  By now Kirishima was rubbing circles on Izuku's back while Kaminari ran to get help.  

Kaminari ran into the bathrooms with Midnight and Aizawa in tow.  Kirishima reluctantly backed away from Izuku as the 18+ hero knocked him out.  Aizawa caught him in his scarf and carried him back to Kaminari's room and laid him on the bed.  "Under no circumstances is he to be left alone.  Not even for a minute.  Do I make myself clear?"  Aizawa shot the two boys a stern glare.

"Yes sir," they replied in unison before the two heroes shut the door.  The alphas didn't know how to help their omega, so they did something they did know how to do.  They curled up on either side of the sleeping boy and wrapped their arms around him.  

They promised themselves that they would do whatever it took to see his smile again.  
I am so sorry.


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