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Hey Insomniacs!  Sorry for the longer chapter.  Now, on to the story!



Izuku's Pov
I spent two days at Uncle Enji's house.  I caught up on recent events with the whole family and we all enjoyed each other's company.  That evening I decided that I was ready to go back to school.  Deep down I was still pissed off at All Might, but I couldn't let my dislike for a person get in the way of my studies.  I told Uncle Enji that I was ready to go back to school and he told me that he would take care of everything.  After talking to my uncle I told Shoto that we were going back to school the next day.  He didn't say anything, just nodded and continued to eat his soba.  

He was always eating that stuff.  It was his favorite food.  He could eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and like he was doing right now, at 8:30 at night.  I walked into my room.  After mom moved away she sent all of my stuff that I didn't take to the dorms here to the Todoroki house.  I had a permanent room here, and I'm not going to lie, it felt nice.  I flopped down on my bed and thought about things to do.  There wasn't much I could do seeing as how I left my phone at school along with my uniform.  I came here in my burnt and ripped hero costume.  I was going to have to head into school early tomorrow to grab my spare out of my room before class.  After a bit more thought I decided to take a trip down memory lane and look through my old hero analysis books.  I had started making them when I was ten and was now working on volume fourteen.  I laughed a bit here and there at some of my poorly drawn pictures.  I came to the end of volume thirteen after an hour and a half of reading and flipping pages.  The sight I was met with sent a pang through my chest.  My first design of my hero costume covered the page.  It was obviously based off of All Might, who at the time was my hero.  I tore the page out and threw it in the waste bin.  

When I felt another bout of tears threaten to fall I decided it would be a good time to take a shower.  I quickly gathered a pair of black basketball shorts, a green t-shirt, a pair of boxers and a towel.  I rushed out of my room and into the bathroom, hoping nobody noticed the water that rolled down my face.  I turned the shower on as hot as it would go and undressed.  After waiting for it to warm up I stepped in, letting the water scorch my skin.  It felt good, like all of the stress, anxiety, anger and sadness was being burned away.  My muscles slowly relaxed and I opened my eyes.  My body was covered in scars.  They ran up my arms and down my torso and back.  They littered my legs and neck.  There was only one on my face.  It was a thin line cutting through my lips.  It was close to the left corner of my mouth.  I remembered how I got  most of my scars, some were from training, others were from bullying.  There were only a few that I don't remember.  I always ignored them, not knowing if the memory that came with them was painful or not.  I began scrubbing away at my skin, letting the apple scent of the body wash fill my senses.  It reminded me of Kiri's scent.  I missed them even though we've only been together for a little while.  I squeezed out my shampoo into my hand and began massaging it into my scalp.  It felt so good to run my hands through my thick unruly hair.  The water continued to splash against my body as I rinsed the remaining suds off.  Once they were all gone I turned the shower off and dried myself.  After getting dressed I said my goodnights.  I knocked on Toya and Keigo's door.  I waited a moment and Kiego smiled down at me.  

"Come on in kid."  He stepped aside and revealed toya sitting on their bed.  His red hair sparkled in the moonlight and his vibrant blue eyes shone brightly.  

"Isn't it past your bedtime Izu?" Toya joked as he pulled me into a hug.  For once he didn't mess up my hair.  

"Yeah whatever.  I just came in to say goodnight."  I tried to pull away but he only pulled me in tighter and leaned down to my ear.  

"If that asshole upsets you again, call me."  

"You're so dramatic Toya!"  I giggled a little bit.

He let go of me to fake pout and cross his arms.  "Nobody messes with my little bro!" 

Keigo wrapped his arm around his ginger mate and cracked a big cheesy smile, "Yeah!  That's our job!"  He pointed a thumb at himself and Toya.  

"Whatever.  Goodnight guys."  I couldn't help the smile that crept across my face.  

"Hey Izu, make sure you're up and ready to go by 5a.m.  I've gotta take you and Sho to school before I go out for payroll."  

"Alright, thanks Kei."  I gave them one more hug and left the room to go to bed.  

*Le time skippo*

Kaminari's Pov
Nobody's seen Izuku since he stormed out of class.  Eijiro and I were starting to get a bit worried since we hadn't heard anything from him.  Todoroki was gone too, but before he left he told us he had 'family matters' to attend to.  No matter how many times, or how we ask, our teacher never gave us any information on Izu's whereabouts.  

It was 5:30a.m. when Eijiro's alarm started going off.  He reached over me and hit the snooze button before rolling out of bed.  This was normal.  We would fall asleep in each other's arms then wake up at the crack of dawn to go for a morning run.  It was nice.  The cool morning air was a good way to prepare for the day, but after going just two days without my omega I just don't want to get out of bed. 

Reluctantly I crawled from under the covers and started getting dressed.  I threw a sweatshirt on and a pair of Kiri's joggers.  I was about to reach for my phone when I heard a crash come from Izuku's room.  I looked up at my boyfriend before rushing to see what made the noise.  I threw open the door and walked up to the one next to it.  "Izu?  Baby, is that you?"  

There was another small thump, but after a few seconds the door creaked open to reveal my green haired omega rubbing his head with a sheepish smile.  "Hi Kami." 

Before he could say anything else I scooped him up in a bone crushing hug as his feet dangled inches from the floor.  He gave a surprised yelp and that's when I heard it.  Without releasing my grip on my mate I pushed the door the rest of the way open to reveal Todoroki and Hawks growling at me.  Being the hot head that I was, I growled back, which only seemed to intensify their irritation.  I was kinda pissed that they, two alphas, were in my mate's room without me knowing.  I started releasing dominant pheromones and they began releasing some of their own.  At this point I had set Izuku down and shoved him behind me.  

"What the hell is going on in here?"  

Kirishima's Pov
"What the hell is going on in here?"  I walked in to see Denki having a face off with Todoroki and Keigo while Izuku cowered in fear behind our mate.  

"They're the ones who growled at me first!"  Denki said defensively without breaking eye contact with the other two alphas.

"HE," Todoroki pointed at Denki, "made Izu yelp!"  I wrapped an arm around Izuku and let out a loud growl.  

"Will all of you just knock it off?" I snarled.  "You're obviously not making anything better," I gestured toward the shaking omega in my arms.  This seemed to snap everyone back to reality as they all said their apologies to Izuku.  After a quick hug both Todoroki and Keigo left the room.  Denki, Izuku and I were all left alone in the room.  I did the first thing that came to mind and wrapped Izuku in a hug, taking in his sweet and spicy scent.  Soon Denki joined us and everything just felt right.  I led us over to the bed and we all layed down.  I had my two beautiful mates with me and that was all I needed at the moment.  Running could wait.  Questions and concerns could wait.  Everything could wait until we felt like breaking away from each other, but that might take a while.  Breathing in the familiar scents of my mates, I drifted back into a peaceful sleep.  They must have too because when I woke back up Denki was shaking me and Izuku was rushing to get his uniform on.  

"Eijiro!  It's 9:43!  We're late for class!" 
I fianlly finished Deku's hero costume!  It took me about four hours total.  I hope you guys like it when I publish it!


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