Let's Talk

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My mom told me not to stay up too late...
Is 4:24am considered too late?



No Pov
Izuku had gotten back to the locker room a few minutes after everyone else.  Since everyone was still in there he opted to change in the bathroom again, except this time he did it a bit quicker to avoid being late to lunch.  Once he was finished changing he ran back to the locker room and waited for the dismissal bell to ring.  

"Hey baby?"  Kaminari sat down next to Izuku.  Izuku laid his head on his mate's shoulder and hummed in response.  "Where did you get all those scars from?"

"Some of them are from training with Shochan, Keigo, and Uncle Enji."  Izuku tried to avoid any further explaining, but he doubted he could.  

"Who's 'Uncle Enji'?"  Denki laid his head on top of his mate's.

"Shochan's dad.  You know him as Endeavor."  

"Really?  That's pretty cool."  Kaminari said calmly.  They sat in silence for a moment longer until the blonde decided to talk again.  "You said some of your scars are from training, where did you get the rest?"

Izuku sighed knowing that there was no avoiding the question.  "Most of the rest are from when I would get bullied when I was younger.  There are quite a few that I don't remember getting though."  He answered the question quietly.  He didn't like talking about his scars.  He didn't like thinking about them  either.  "Hey Denki, can we talk about something else?"

"Sure babe."  He looked down and grinned.  Leaning down he placed a kiss on the tip of Izuku's nose.  "Why don't we talk about how absolutely adorable you are?  Or how much I love you?  We could talk about how beautiful your eyes are."  Kaminari paused again to place another hiss on the greenette's nose.  

"Or we could talk about how you two are my everything." Kirishima walked over and pulled his two mated into a warm hug.  "Or how when either of you smile my world gets a little bit brighter."  He placed a kiss on Denki's ear making him blush.  "Or how you're both perfect in every way."  He kissed Izuku's jawline gently.  Kirishima released the boys from his embrace and smiled down at them.  When the bell rang they held each other's hands with Izuku in the middle.  They made their way to the cafeteria.  A few students looked at them in confusion while others 'awed' at the adorable mates.   Hearing this Kirishima smiled a toothy grin and Izuku pulled the two alphas closer to himself.  

Once they got into the cafeteria they split up to get their food and meet up at an open booth.  Since small parts of each year ate together the seats of the first years were never guaranteed.  After a bit of searching Izuku found an empty booth and slid in to wait for Kirishima and Kaminari.  He began eating his katsudon.  

"Hey, do you mind if we sit here?  Nejire's out sick today and we don't really want to sit alone..."  Izuku looked up to see Tamaki looking away awkwardly while holding his tray in one hand and another boy's hand in the other.  His face lit up at the fact that Tamaki was asking to sit with him.  

"Of course Tamachan!"  He got up and gave the other boy a hug after he set his meal down.  The embrace was gladly reciprocated.  They broke away quickly when a loud 'ahem' came from next to Tamaki.  

"Oh... um, this is Mirio.  You remember me telling you about him, right?"  

"Oh my gosh, really?!"  Izuku kicked into fangirl mode.  "Your quirk is so cool!  You must have trained super hard to be as skilled as you are!"

"Heh, thanks... you must be the famous Izuku.  Tamaki talks about you a lot."  Mirio gave a cheery smile.  "Ya know kid, you're pretty amazing yourself.  Not many students get in on recommendations even if their quirk is super strong.  To get into the hero course without a quirk is extremely impressive.  They all sat down, Tamaki and Mirio across from Izuku, and ate their meals while keeping up a light conversation.  

"Um Izu?  Who're these guys?"  Kirishima and Kaminari looked at their mate with confused expressions.  

"Ok, this is Tamaki Amajiki and Mirio Togato!  They're friends of mine.  Mirio, Tamaki, these are my mates Eijiro Kirishima and Denki Kaminari!"  They said their 'hello's while Tamaki gave Izuku a knowing smile.  Izuku just rolled his eyes and grinned.  Denki and Eijiro slid into the booth on either side of Izuku and began eating their food.  They were both quite impressed that Izuku had made friends with two members of the big three.  Izuku knew they would ask about it later, but he didn't want to think about that right at the moment.  

Somehow the group got on the subject of quirks.  

"My quirk isn't anything too flashy," Kirishima said.  "All I can do is harden my skin.  Really it's not anything special"  He hardened his hand to show Amajiki and Togata.  

"I think it's pretty cool."  Izuku smiled up at his red haired mate.  

"Mine is super flashy, but when I overuse it I can't really think properly."

"You mean at all," Kirishima laughed while Kaminari pouted.  

"You guys probably already know what my quirk is," Mirio said as he passed his hand through the table.  

"What's yours Amajiki?"  Kaminari looked at the upperclassman with curiosity in his eyes.  Izuku and Togata giggled a little at the blonde's excitement.  They both obviously knew the boy's quirk and were happy to see him have a chance to talk about it.  Usually he was overlooked because of how shy he was.  He only really ever opened up to close friends like Izu, or Nejire.

"Well I...um... can manifest different traits of t-the things that I e-eat."  He let a little bean sprout come from the tip of his finger to display his quirk.  

"Wow man!  That's super cool!  No wonder you're in the big three with a powerful quirk like that!"  Kirishima, as always, was overexcited.  Izuku placed his hand gently on the other's leg to calm him.  The redhead seemed to get the message and calmed down a bit.  

"It's not all that great..." Tamaki muttered under his breath.  

"Oh stop it.  You're always so negative Tamachan," Izuku said sternly to his friend.  "You should smile more often.  You might feel better!"  Izuku flashed everyone with a great big smile and Mirio did the same.  

Kirishima, Kaminari, and Amajiki's Pov
Too bright!  God damnit why is he so cute?
(sorry... I had to)
This took over an hour to write.  I've never timed how long it takes me to write, but this time I did.  I started writing at 3:09 and now it's 4:17.  That's not even including the time it takes to edit...


After editing:

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