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I'm borrrreeeeddddddddd



Izuku's Pov
I leaned up against my door and let the tears pour down my face.  I hated myself for being this week.  Just a few words from Kami and I'm completely broken.  After a few solit minutes of crying on the floor I decided to go lay back down.  I stand up and take a few steps towards my destination when I fall down and yelp in pain.  Waves of heat start to crash over me.  This wasn't supposed to happen for at least another week!  I started to panic as my scent grew stronger and the pain grew more intense.  I always had either Keigo, Shocan or Kacchan by my side when I was in heat.  I've never dealt with one by myself.  

There was a knock at the door and I heard Kirishima yell something but I couldn't make out what.  I tried to move towards the door to unlock it but was knocked down by another wave of pain and I screamed out and whimpered.  I managed to make my way slowly to the door.  Kirishima was still banging on it when the lock clicked open.  Instantly he and Kaminari busted into my room.  They were assaulted by the scent of my heat and they looked down and saw me crying on the floor.  

"Izuku?"  Kirishima didn't seem to believe what he was seeing.  

"You're an omega?"  Kaminari said the words that Kirishima couldn't.  

I nodded as I tried once again to stand.  For the most part I was successful until my legs gave out and I was falling again.  Kirishima caught me in his arms and carried me over to my bed.  He set me down without a word and grabbed Kaminari's wrist and dragged him towards the door.  "P-please... Kiri... stay"  I squeaked out.  

He whipped around to face me as anger built in his eyes.  "Why should I?  Why should I do that when you've been lying to us this whole time?  This is why Bakugou is always so protective with you, isn't it?  Because you're an omega?"  The words shouldn't have hurt, they were true, but the way he said them made it feel like my heart was being ripped out of my chest.  

"Kiri, please calm down.  I'm sure he didn't mean any harm," Kaminari tried to reason with the redhead.  

I disregarded what Kaminari said and addressed Kirishima, "Pl-please stay.  B-because y-you're my mat-tes."  I tried to hold back my cries of pain but small whimpers escaped my lips.  

Kirishima and Kaminari both looked at me in complete shock and I pulled on the neckline of my shirt to reveal my marks.  Their shock turned into hurt.  "Kiri, we just have to lay with him for now.  We can talk about this when he's out of his heat."  

"No."  Kirishima tried to walk away again.  

"We can't just leave him like this!"  Kaminari seemed to sense how much pain I was actually in as I produced more distress pheromones.  

"Then you fucking take care of him!  I can't be in the same room as him right now!"

"Then go, but I'm staying here."  Kaminari looked sad but held his ground.  

"Whatever."  Kirishima stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him  

Kaminari looked over to me with pity in his eyes.  "Is it ok if I lay down with you?"  I nodded and he laid down in the bed.  He snaked an arm around my back and I clung to his chest like my life depended on it.  The pain that coursed through my body instantly subsided as I nuzzled closer to my electric mate's chest and drifted off to sleep.  

Kirishima's Pov
I stormed out of Izuku's dorm and shut the door behind me.  I suspected that he was mine and Kami's missing mate, but the fact that he knew and didn't tell us was eating me alive.  Did he not want us?  Were we not good enough for him?  So many thoughts raced through my mind as I stormed down the hallway.  I wasn't looking where I was going when I ran into Bakugou.  I looked up at him with a venomous stare and spat, "Your little omega is in heat.  I suppose you want to go control that too."  I didn't know why I was still pissed off at him, but I was.  Before I could think too hard about it he pulled me into his dorm.  

"What the fuck?!  How the hell do you know that?!?"  He looked at me with terror in his eyes.  

"Kami and I found him in his dorm on the floor crying."  His fear made me forget that I was ever mad at him.  

"Then why the hell did you leave him?"  Bakugou's fear turned into anger.

"Leave him?  He was the one who knew that we were his mates and decided not to tell us!"  At this point my anger resurfaced.  

"Because he fucking had to you idiot!  That prick of a principal made him promise!"  Bakugou pushed me up against the wall as he yelled at me.  "God damn it shitty hair!  Why can't you ever just use your fucking head?  You always jump to fucking conclusions without thinking!"  He was right.  I jumped to conclusions when I found him and Izuku fighting, I jumped to conclusions when he growled at me at the party, and I jumped to conclusions when I left Izuku and Denki alone in that room.  

"I have to go," I said as I pushed the angry blonde off of me.  I quickly walked next door and quietly walked in.  I slipped into bed with my two sleeping mates and wrapped my arms around them.  The movement must have woken up Midoriya because I found his emerald green eyes staring up at me.

"Why did you come back?"  He looked like he would shatter if I said the wrong thing.  I pulled him closer to my chest and traced over the mark on his wrist.  

"Because I realized I made a mistake when I walked out that door."  He wrapped his arms around me and I felt my shirt dampen with tears as he shook in my arms.  

"You promise you're not mad at me?"  His voice was muffled by my shirt, but I still understood what he asked.  

"I promise Izu."  I ran my hand through his dark green hair as his breaths evened out and he fell back to sleep in me and Kami's arms.  I silently promised myself right then and there that I would do whatever it took to protect my beautiful alpha and my little omega. 
Tadaaaa!  Another chapter published and since I have nothing better to do with my life I'm moving on to #4. 


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