The Todoroki Family

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I have a splitting headache.  At first I thought it was from caffine withdrawl, but drinking coffee made it worse...



*time skip to when Izuku wakes up*

Izuku's Pov
I feel my consciousness slowly start to return as my eyes flutter open.  As I regained composure I realized that there was a large pair of arms wrapped around me that didn't belong to either of my mates.  Slightly panicking I carefully turned around to see Uncle Enji sleeping with his arms wrapped protectively around me.  I relaxed slightly and leaned my head into his shoulder, taking in the comfort of being with him.  Whether we were related by blood or not, I always thought of him as a father and he always treated me like his son.  He seemed to have been awakened by my movement because I felt his grip loosen.

"Are you awake," he whispered, obviously trying not to wake me if I wasn't.

"Yeah..."  He let go of me and let me turn around to face him.

"Kirishima and Kaminari headed back to the dorms with Aizawa and Yamada."

"Alright.  I'm sorry if I scared you guys.  I didn't know how to stop it..."

"It's ok Izu.  It's not your fault.  You just need to relax a little and give yourself some time to grieve.  This is a tough time for all of us and nobody expects you to be the same right away.  I don't think anyone expects you to be the same at all.  We're all here for you Izu."  His face, which usually held an irritated expression, looked caring and understanding.  

"Thank you," I whispered.  "Not just for today, but for everything you've done for me.  Thank you for taking me into your home and your family.  I couldn't ask for a better father, that's what you are to me if you didn't already know.  I'm sorry if I'm overstepping my bounds, but I want you to know what you and your family mean to me.  You were always there to teach me everything that my dad couldn't.  You were the one who was there for me when I needed you and words can't express my gratitude."

He smiled softly at me before speaking, "I'm glad you feel that way.  I've always thought of you as another one of my sons.  Poor Fuyumi," he laughed, "She just can't seem to escape all the men."  His smile brightened even more and the gesture was contagious.  I felt the corners of my own lips raise a little.  "Why don't we go out for supper tonight?  I know you don't really want to be around people right now, but I think it might be a nice distraction, plus I have a few things I want to talk about with everyone."

"Alright.  I'll go tell everyone.  Is it ok if Denki and Eijiro come?"

"I don't see why not, as long as they get permission to leave campus.  Tell them to be ready around six."

I nodded and walked out of the room and into the living room and saw Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Toya sitting on the sofa.  

"Oh my gosh Izuchan!  You're ok!  We were all so worried about you!"  Fuyumi was the first to speak as she wrapped me in one of her bone crushing hugs.  

"Yeah, I'm fine Yumi.  Um... Uncle Enji said we're gonna go out for dinner tonight.  I just wanted to let you guys know."

"Did he say where?"  Natsuo asked.  

"No, I forgot to ask.  Sorry Natsuo," I said nervously.  

"Eh, it's ok," he said with his cheesy smile, "That just means that it'll be a surprise!"

"Yeah, don't stress it kid."  Toya gave me a small smile.  "In case you were wondering, Katsuki, Shoto and Keigo are all outside."

"Thanks Toya."

I walked through the house and opened the sliding door that led to the back porch.  I saw the three alphas that I was looking for all kicking around a football(I didn't say soccer ball because football is more common).  

"Hey Izu!"  Kacchan waved me over, "Come play with us!"

"No, I'm good.  I just came to tell you guys that we're eating out tonight."

"Oh, ok.  Are Kirishima and Kaminari coming?"  Shoto stopped the ball with his foot.

"Yeah," I responded.  I didn't miss the slight look of annoyance that flashed across Kei's face.  I turned to him and decided to test the waters.  "Why don't you like them?"

"Huh?  I never said I don't like them!"

"You don't have to say it Kei.  You're easy to read," I smirked.  

"Eh, I don't know.  The blonde one is just too overprotective."

"That sounds kinda like someone else I know," I say teasingly as I poked him in the chest.  "You don't always have to be so suspicious of everyone just because you're my brother."

"That's exactly why I have to be suspicious of everyone.  Besides, who else is gonna protect my sweet little Izuku?" He said while pulling me into his arms and giving me a noogie.  

"Kei!  Knock it off you jerk!" I laughed as I attempted to free myself from his grasp.  "Now look what you did," I said with mock anger, "You messed my hair up and now you have to help fix it!"

"Do I look like I know how to do hair?"  He quirked an eyebrow at me.  

"Fair point."


"You said it, I just agreed.  I'll just go as Fuyumi.  You guys should get changed.  I don't think you want to go out smelling like grass and sweat."  I walked inside to try and find Fuyumi again while pulling out my phone to text Eijiro and Denki. 



Whats up babe?

Me the todorokis and kaccan are going out for dinner tonight
Wanna come?

Sure!  Sounds like fun!

Oh ya
Keigos coming 2 so be nice!

I can try
No promises

Just be ready by 6
ily guys!

Love you too babe

Love u 2

I put my phone back in the pocket of my slacks.  I hadn't had the chance to change since we got home and my outfit was starting to get uncomfortable.  I made my way back into the living room but Fuyumi wasn't there.  

"Hey guys, where's Yumi?"

"She went back to her room to get ready.  You might want to do the same kid.  Your hair is a mess."

"Thank you Natsuo, I am quite aware."

I playfully stuck my tongue out at him and walked down the hall that led to Fuyumi's room.  Once I reached the door I knocked lightly.  

"Oh hey Izuchan!  what's up?"

"I was wondering if you could help me get ready for dinner."

"I thought you'd never ask!"  SHe pulled me into her pale pink room and sat me on the bed.  

"Um... Yumi?"


"Don't I need clothes to get ready?"

"Yeah, but you can wear some of mine.  We're pretty much the same size.  Besides, I already have an outfit in mind!"  She walked over to her closet and whipped out a few hangers that were adorned with colorful pieces of cloth.  She shoved a few into my arms before shooing me into the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom.  Once the door was shut I finally got a chance to see the outfit that I was going to have to wear that night.  Let's just say that Kacchan would not approve...
Wow!  Author-chan wrote an entire chapter in just one Pov!  (Is that a good thing or a bad thing?  I can't decide...)


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