Plus Ultra

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Online schooling sucks.  Like a lot.  How are a bunch of teenagers supposed to teach themselves algebra 2?



No Pov
The three mates remained in each other's arms for the duration of Izuku's heat, only leaving to bring food or use the bathroom.  Kirishima and Kaminari promised not to tell anyone else that Izuku was an omega.  All was going well.  Izuku had finally finished his heat and the trio was going back to class on Monday with the rest of the students.  The three of them walked up to the school hand in hand in hand, not caring who saw.  The only ones who would figure out that Izuku was an omega were those who saw Kirishima and Kaminari's marks, but the three didn't care.  They trusted their classmates.  

The happy trio parted ways when they got to the classroom and headed to their individual seats.  Mr. Aizawa walked into the class and was about to begin teaching when the loud speaker came on with another announcement.  "Please excuse the Interruption.  Will Izuku Midoriya, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari and Shota Aizawa please report immediately to the principal's office.  Izuku Midoriya, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, and Shota Aizawa to the principal's office."  The four of them looked at each other confused, but nevertheless, got up and left the room.  

"Mr. Aizawa, do you know what this is about?"  Izuku decided to ask the question they were all thinking.  

"Well, I think it has something to do with the fact that you walked into school holding two alphas' hands.  Seeing as how the principal told you to keep being an omega a secret, he can't be too happy about that."  Izuku nodded in understanding, but his two mates looked utterly pissed off.  

Aizawa knocked on the office door and was met by a not-so-cheery "Come in."  The four males entered the room and were met by and upset looking cat, dog, bear, mouse thing.  "I'm going to get right to the point.  I've called you four here to inform you that Izuku will no longer be allowed to spend any time with Eijiro or Denki.  Shota, I brought you here to inform you that you are to enforce this."  

"But sir!"  Kirishima looked like he just saw a ghost.  Kaminari was absolutely speechless.  They had just found their missing mate, and now they couldn't spend time with him.  

"Sir, I'm sorry, but I can't enforce that.  I understand that you're trying to do what's best for the students, but keeping these three apart will do far worse damage than any villain could inflict on them."  They all looked surprised at their usually emotionless teacher's speech.  

"Alright Shota, they can stay together, but if any of the students are injured due to Izuku being an omega then that will be on your shoulders.  Am I clear?"

"Yes sir."  Although it was difficult to meet the intense gaze of the principal, Aizawa's eyes never left his.  They all left the principal's office in silence because not a single one of them knew what to say.  

"Sir... why did you defend us?"  Kaminari was the first to speak.  

"Because, pates shouldn't be kept apart."  He was obviously hiding something, but the students knew not to push it.  They walked back to class in a comfortable silence.  The three students took their seats once again and the teacher resumed his lesson.  When the bell rang to signal the beginning of the second hour there was a large gust of wind as the door flew open.  

"I AM HERE!  COMING THROUGH TH-"  He made eye contact with the green haired teen in the back of the classroom.  The rest of the class cheered, all except for Bakugou, Todoroki and Midoriya.  None of them liked the symbol of peace, in fact they hated him.  The hero cleared his throat and announced to the class that they would be doing hero training that day.  He instructed them to meet him at training ground B and left the classroom.  The class put on their hero costumes.  Everyone was amazed to see Izuku's.  Some of them even got bloody noses.  His suit was skin tight, showing off all of his muscles.  The main color was a deep red with white lines decorating it.  He had a set of handcuffs on each wrist and knives strapped to his thighs and calves. He had a black belt hanging loosely around his waist with white packs connected to it.  He had red goggles covering his eyes and a metal mask protecting his mouth.  (I'll be making a picture of it soon.  Look out for a chapter labeled 'bonus')  

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