Mothers Day Special

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This isn't imperative to the plot, just a little filler for mothers day.


No Pov
Izuku woke up early that morning.  At the time he had been staying he was only about eight.  He walked into the kitchen and asked Fuyumi if there was anything he could help with.  She smiled at him and told him to just go and wake all the others. He smiled and agreed.  

"Kacchan!  Shochan!  Wake up!  We gotta help Yumi make breakfast for our mommies!"  He giggled excitedly as he shook his friends awake.  The Midoriyas, Bakugos and Todorokis decided to go on holiday for mothers day and were all sharing a rental house for the weekend.  

"God Zuku, it's too early.  Go away!"

"Kacchan, it's already seven!  If we don't get up now then breakfast won't be done in time!"

"Come on Katsuki.  Izu is right."  A small Shoto squirmed out of his sleeping bag which was next to an empty one and one filled by a small explosive blonde.  Shoto unzipped his friend's sleeping bag and pulled him out by his arm.  

"Shoootoooooo," He groaned.  "Just a little while longer.  Pleaaassssseeeee."

"Up or I'll freeze you."

"Fine, meanies."  Katsuki grumbled as he worked his way out of his sleeping bag.  

"Shochan, you go wake up Natsuo and Toya.  Kacchan and I will go wake up Uncle Enji and Uncle Masaru."

"Ok.  Just don't wake up mommy or Auntie Mitsuki!"

"Whatever Icyhot."

"Kacchan, don't be mean!"  Katsuki just rolled his eyes and walked out of the room to wake up his father.  

Soon enough all the men in the house joined Fuyumi in the kitchen and helped her finish preparing the meal.  She knew that Inko liked to have an American breakfast on special ocasions so she decided to make just that.  

As she whipped the batter for the pancakes Toya and Natsuo worked on properly scrambling the eggs.  The two fathers did their best not to overcook the bacon while the little boys made tea and toast while helping clean up here and there.  

By the time everything was finished the kitchen was filled with the aroma of sweet pancakes and savory bacon.  The group sat back in the living room and admired their work.  There were plates heaping with food and thanks to the three little boys the kitchen was practically sotless.  

"Well what's all this?"  Rei Todoroki walked into the kitchen and was met with the smell of the delicious meal.  

"Mama!  This was supposed to be a surprise for you Auntie Mitsuki and Auntie Inko!"  Shoto ran up to Rei and tried to block her view.  

"Well look, I'm still surprised," She put on a face of mock surprise and scooped up some whipped cream before booping it on to her youngest child's nose.  He giggled and went crosseyed trying to look at it before he was able to lick it off."Now, why don't you Katsuki and Izuku go wake up your aunties?"

"Ok mama!" 

*time skip to when they're eating*

"This is delightful!  Thank you all so much!"  Inko beamed at the others that sat around the large table.  Izuku, who sat next to her, returned the gesture with an equally bright smile and wrapped his arms around her slender waist.  

The three mothers were truly happy.  They had full stomachs and content smiles.  They couldn't have asked for a better mothers day.  No matter what happened they would always remember this scene.  Everyone that they loved, their big, huge family, all sitting around the table while smiling and enjoying a good meal.  To the three mothers, that was all they needed to be happy.   
Their Family.
Sorry it's so short, but that'swhy it's a side story and not part of the main plot.


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