Entrance Exams

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I have to be awake in less than six hours but I know I won't be able to sleep. Enjoy the product of my sleep deprivation!



Enji(Endeavor)'s Pov (Bet ya didn't see that comin, did ya?)

Izuku was laying in his nest in the guest room. I loved this boy like he was another one of my sons. I can't stand seeing him in pain. His mother agreed almost immediately to let him stay here as long as he was safe. Toya informed me that this was indeed his first heat. A few days have passed since it started so it'll only last about another two or three days. I walked into the room and saw him curled up sleeping next to Shoto.

Izuku hasn't been able to leave his nest without experiencing extreme pain so Fuyumi, Natsuo and I made sure to bring meals in to Izuku and whoever was lying with him. It was always either Keigo, Shoto or Katsuki. Fuyumi, Natsuo and I were all bettas and Toya was an omega so none of us would be able to suppress the pain.
I quietly promised myself that I would make All Might regret ever telling Izuku he couldn't be a hero. I decided then and there that I wanted my boys to surpass the Symbol of Peace.

*Giant Time Skip*

Izuku's Pov

I was standing at the gates of U.A. High School. Uncle Enji recommended me for the hero course. I felt kinda bad seeing as how he could only recommend one person and chose me over his own son. Shochan told me that it was fine and he could handle taking the normal test and that he wanted me to take the recommendation. After hearing that how could I refuse? So now I'm here walking towards my future...scratch that, falling towards the sidewalk. Thankfully Uncle Enji has been helping me train my reflexes and I was able to catch myself before I hit the ground. I've been training ten times as hard to get into U.A. ever since All Might told me I couldn't be a hero. The night I got home after my heat was finished I tore down all of my old posters of him and donated all of the action figures I had collected. My room was now full of Endeavor and Hawks merchandise. Keigo had been such a good brother to me and helped teach me how to use swords and knives properly.

I stood up and dusted myself off and continued towards the doors, ignoring all of the stares that I got. Well, I tried to at least. One particular gaze caught my eye. He had red spikey hair and ruby red eyes. I felt a slight blush tint my cheeks and continued walking. When I got to the auditorium that I was assigned I began my written exam. It was extremely simple and I finished with over half of the time remaining. I decided to sit down to relax and clear my mind. Looking around I realized that out of this entire group, I was the most physically fit. As long as the practical test isn't too centered around quirks I should be ok. I knew that even if it was focused on quirks I would still be able to score decently.

When it came time for us to start our practical exam I was ready to go. A did a few warm up stretches then stood next to the rest of the group.

"Alright, it looks like you're all here," Ectoplasm said, "Each of you take a number then line up accordingly." I walked up to him and he seemed to have glanced at my main mark and gave me an odd look, well, more odd than he usually looked. I pinned my number to my shirt and stepped up to the starting line.

Ectoplasm started counting down,"Three, two, one, GO!" Before anyone else had even left the start line I was ten feet ahead of them. I continued sprinting and dodging obstacle after obstacle. I managed to place second overall, which was pretty great seeing as how I'm an omega and quirkless. I was on my way to showing All Might that he was wrong about me.

*one more time skip*

No Pov

Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou had all gotten into the hero course Class 1-A. Today was the first day of school and all three of them were extremely excited, although Bakugou and Todoroki would never show it. Midoriya however, was bouncing up and down with anticipation as they walked to school in their green and grey uniforms.

"Katsuki, button your shirt up. You look like an idiot."

"Shut up Icy Hot! I look fine as hell and you know it!"

"Make me," Todoroki said with a smirk.


"What are you-mmph!" Todoroki was cut off by Katsuki pressing their lips together. Todoroki slowly melted into the kiss and let his eyes flutter shut.

There was a clicking sound and a flash. Todoroki opened his eyes to see Izuku giggling and holding up his phone.

"Hey Deku, make sure you send that to me!" He shot a victorious grin at his mate

"Will do Kacchan," he chirped happily. Shoto just rolled his eyes as they continued walking.

Back to Izuku's Pov

When Kacchan, Shochan and I made it to class we only had a minute or two to spare so I decided to take a quick look around the room and see who I'll be spending the next three years of my life with. I scanned the room until my eyes landed on the same redhead I saw at the entrance exams. He was talking to a boy with yellow hair with a black lightning bolt streaking through it. I was torn away from my thoughts when a voice came over the loudspeaker.

"Please excuse the interruption. Would Izuku Midoriya report to the principal's office please? Izuku Midoriya to the principal's office." The statement was ended with a quick click. I looked over at Shochan, who just shrugged. I guess everyone knows who I am now.
Ok, that's the last chapter I'm publishing tonight. I need to get a little sleep.


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