Be Mine

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Hey Insomniacs, I just wanted to thank you all for reading this story. It means so much to me!



Kaminari's Pov
I woke up to the morning sun hitting my face.  I looked around and noticed that I wasn't in my room and started to panic.  That is, until I saw a tuft of messy green hair resting on the pillow next to me.  I looked past him and saw... red?  Last I knew Kirishima was upset with Midoriya and wanted nothing to do with him.  Now he was snuggled up next to him?  I wasn't going to complain though, I was just happy my two mates were getting along.  I sat up slowly and pulled my phone out of my pocket to snap a picture.  I was smiling until I saw the flash go off(just a little inside joke from Superglue Can't Fix This).  Shit, shit, shit, shit!  

Midoriya started to stir next to me and his beautiful green eyes fluttered open.  "G'morning Kami," he said with a small yawn.  Damn he was adorable.  I felt a light blush tint my cheeks as I smiled down at the little omega.  

"Go back to bed you idiots," Kirishima said while attempting to move his hair out of his face.  

"It's not my fault Denki woke me up with his camera," Izuku defended himself.  

"Whatever."  Kiri pulled the two of us into his chest and told us to just go back to sleep.  

*time skip to two hours later* 

Izuku's Pov
I was sleeping soundly, comforted by the warmth of my alphas.  It was so peaceful, I could have just stayed like that for the rest of my life.  *Knock Knock Knock* Great.  Just peachy.  I reluctantly tried to get out of bed without the other two noticing, but the second we lost contact I winced in pain.  Kaminari noticed this and woke up.  "Kami, somebody's at the door." 

"Alright, I'll help you get it."

We both made our way out of bed and Kami wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind.  Recently I began hating the sound of knocking at my door.  I cracked the door open to reveal a worried looking Keigo.  Upon realizing this I opened the door all the way.  

"Izu, I came as soon as I-"  He looked up at the blonde behind me, "Who is this?" He growled as his big brother instincts kicked in when he realized that the boy was touching me.

"This is Denki-"

"I'm his mate.  Who are you?"

"His brother."  

They were both glaring daggers at each other and releasing dominance pheromones.  This seemed to wake Kiri up and I saw him sit up out of the corner of my eye.  

"Midoriya, am I crazy or is Hawks standing in your doorway?"  Kirishima was looking at us with a confused look on his face.  I broke free of Kami's grasp and embraced Keigo in a tight hug.  

"This is Keigo.  He's like an older brother to me.  I've known him since I was eleven and he's helped me through every heat I've ever had."  Denki growled at the fact that I left his arms to embrace another alpha.  "And to answer your question Kiri, yes he is the hero Hawks."  

"That's right," Keigo ruffled my hair.  "And don't think that just cuz you found your mates that you're just gonna ditch me kid.  You can't get ridda me that easy!"

"Kei! Stop it!" I managed to squeak out through giggles.  The fun was short lived though because another wave of heat hit me and I felt like I had to build a nest.  Keigo picked up on this and ushered everybody out.  Kiri and Kami did not seem too happy about this, but at the moment I didn't care.  I started taking the pillows and blankets off the bad and arranged them to my liking.  About another ten minutes passed and Kiri and Kami were at my door holding a few blankets.  

"We brought these for you."  Kirishima held out the blankets with a small smile.  "Ha-er-Keigo said you might want some stuff with our scent on it."  I smiled and took the blankets to finish my nest.  When I was done I curled up in a little ball in the center.  

No Pov
Keigo, Kirishima and Kaminari all stood anxiously outside of the omega's room waiting for him to finish building his nest.  When they heard all of the rustling stop they decided to go in.  Kirishima and Kaminari walked straight up to Izuku's nest to curl up with him but Keigo stopped them when the omega emitted a low growl.  "You two can't just go in.  He has to invite you."

"Well how do we get him to invite us?"  Kaminari wasn't too happy about some random alpha keeping him from his mate.  

"Like this," Keigo held a hand out to Izuku who came up and rubbed his scent glands against it.  "If he does that then you can go in."  

Kirishima tried this and was allowed entry as well as Kaminari.  "It looks like you two've got this.  If you need anything call me, ok?"  The two younger males nodded as the older wrote down his phone number.  "And if I don't answer find Katsuki or Shoto."  With one last goodbye to Izuku, Keigo walked away and shut the door behind him.  

"Midoriya, I'm sorry for freaking out at you earlier," Kirishima said as he hung his head.  

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that we were mates earlier.  I just wanted to protect you guys."

"You don't have to worry about us Midoriya," Kaminari wrapped the smaller boy in a hug.  

"Just because I don't have to doesn't mean I won't."  Eventually Kirishima joined in the hug and nuzzled his head into Izuku's neck.  

"I know that we're already mates, but will you be my boyfriends?"  Kirishima never lifted his head from Izuku's shoulder as he asked this.  He was too embarrassed and afraid of rejection.  There was a beat of silence before Izuku broke it.

"Of course I will!  Kami?"  He looked towards the other boy expectantly.  

"Absolutely!"  He tightened his grip on his mates as he placed a kiss on both of their cheeks.  "But since we're dating, why don't you call me Denki?"

"Well if we can call you Denki, then you can call me Eijiro."

"I don't really care what you call me, as long as I'm yours."  The little omega cuddled even closer to the two if that was even possible.  He released calming pheromones.  The two alphas took that moment to appreciate their boyfriend's sweet scent.  It smelled like cinnamon and sugar.  It matched perfectly with Kirishima's scent which was fresh apples and Kaminari's which was autumn leaves.  

In every way they were perfect for eachother.  It didn't matter how different they were from one another, all that mattered to the three was that they were together.  Just being in each other's arms was enough to keep them happy for a lifetime.  Of course, all good things must come to an end. 
I love fluff.  It is literally the best thing ever.  *Ignores the ominous foreshadowing*


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