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Izuku's Pov
I woke up to the scent of apples and fallen leaves.  I loved that smell, it was so comforting.  It made me feel safe.  I opened my eyes and saw Denki to my left and Eijiro to my right.  For a moment I wondered why I wasn't in my room but quickly remembered.  I felt tears brimming my eyes and my body started to shake.  Not wanting to wake my sleeping beauties with my sobbs, I carefully climbed out of bed and ran to the dorm bathrooms.  

As soon as I locked the door to the stall I fell to my knees and let the sadness take over.  I hadn't bothered to check the time but knew it was early morning judging by the pale sunlight I saw through the windows as I ran through the hallway.  I was glad that nobody would be awake to see me like this.  

"Midoriya, is that you?"  I slapped my hands over my mouth and tried to suppress my crying when I heard Iida from outside the stall.  He knocked gently on the door, but when I didn't answer him he said, "I know what happened.  Mr. Aizawa explained the situation to everyone in the commons last night.  Please let me in."  His voice was gentle yet commanding.  I reached up and slit the lock over so that he could push the door open.  He kneeled next to me and wrapped me in a surprisingly gentle hug.  

Once again I let the sadness burst through my body.  "S-she's n-no-not c-coming ba-ack," I choked out between sobbs. 

"I'm so sorry Midoriya."  He rubbed gentle circles on my back and let me cry into his chest.  He released some calming pheromones in an attempt to reassure me that it would be alright.  It helped a little.  His scent was like lilac soap.  It was a bit odd, but somehow an extremely relaxing scent.  I eventually drifted back to sleep in my friend's arms. 

Iida's Pov
Midoriya fell asleep on me and I didn't know what to do.  I decided I should take him out to the common room and lay him on the couch.  I figured he probably didn't want to be in his room alone at a time like this and had spent the night in one of his mates' rooms, but I didn't know which.  It was too early to play the guessing game so the common room it was.  I laid him gently on a sofa with a pillow under his head and a blanket covering his body.  I sat in a recliner near the sofa and fell asleep myself.  Before I could drift into a deep sleep I was awakened by a loud ravenette.  

"Sero, please keep your voice down!" I whisper-shouted while gesturing to the sleeping Midoriya.  He nodded in understanding before continuing on his way to the kitchen with Mina.  More and more students filed into the room but were all shushed by either Mina, Uraraka, Tsu or myself.  Realizing the time I asked Uraraka to keep an eye on Midoriya while I readied myself for school.  My uniform hung neatly in my closet.  I pulled on my shirt and trousers and straightened my tie.  While looking in the mirror I pushed my glasses up the bridge of my nose and combed my hair to perfection.  

I checked my watch and saw that I had more time on my hands than I anticipated.  I decided to see which room Kirishima and Kaminari were in.  They needed to know where Midoriya was because as soon as we all leave for school he'll be left alone in the common room.  Aiazawa would not be happy about that.  He specifically said that the green haired boy was not to be left on his own.  I decided to go to Kaminari's room first seeing as how it was closer to mine.  I knocked twice and waited for an answer.  I heard rustling on the other side of the door, but no answer.  I knocked again and this time followed it with, "Kaminari, it's about Midoriya."  

This must have gotten his attention because the door flew open and revealed a worried blonde and a confused redhead.  "Where is he?  Is he hurt?  Is ho ok?"

"Calm down.  He's in the common room sleeping on a sofa.  I found him crying in the bathroom."  The two simultaneously let out a sigh of relief.  

"Thanks Iida."

"No problem."  I walked back down to the common room with Kirishima and Kaminari right behind me.  Neither of them were in their uniforms because they were excused from school to keep an eye on Midoriya.  When we got to the common room I checked my watch.  We had fifteen minutes before class started.  "Alright everyone, time to go," I said just above a whisper.  Despite that everyone heard me because absolutely nobody spoke, none of them wanted to wake the sleeping omega.  

We all left with a quick and quiet goodbye to Kirishima and Kaminari.  

*time skip to when Izuku wakes up...again*

Kaminari's Pov
I heard some blankets shifting on the sofa and knew Izuku was awake.  I walked over to him, still in my pajamas and sat on the floor next to where he lay.  "Goodmorning beautiful," I whisper into his ear.  He mumbled a response before pulling me up onto the sofa with him.  He rested his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my chest.  I sighed knowing I wasn't going to be able to get up for a while and wrapped my arms around his waist.  I felt a buzz in my back pocket and got startled before I remembered that I had brought Izuku's phone for him for when he woke up.  "Hey babe, someone texted you," I said while handing him his phone.  

He looked at it for a few moments before tossing onto the coffee table that sat near the sofa.  "My mom's funeral is in two days.  Uncle Enji and Aunty Mitsuki are planning and paying for it."  He buried his head in the crook of my neck and rested there for a moment.  "Will you and Ei come with me?  I don't know If I can handle it on my own..."

"Of course we will."  I looked up and saw Eijiro leaning on the arm of the sofa.  I hadn't noticed him come up and wondered how long he had been there for.  The phone buzzed again.  Izuku got up and left me on the couch.  

"Uncle Enji says that Shochan, Kacchan, he and I are all pallbearers.  He asked if I knew two other people who could help."  He paused and looked up at us.  "Would you guys be comfortable with that?  I mean, you didn't know her.  She doesn't really mean anything to you and it would probably feel kinda weird carrying the casket of a woman you've never met.  Sorry, I shouldn't have even asked in the first place."  

"Izu, it doesn't matter if we ever met her.  She was obviously extremely important to you.  She helped make you who you are.  She brought you into this world.  If it weren't for her then we never would have met you, so yes, she is important to us and yes, we will be pallbearers if you want us to be."  Eijiro surprised me for a second time today.  Usually he didn't make long heartfelt speeches, but I guess he has a soft spot for Izu.  I can't blame him though because I did too.
Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that updates might slow down a bit for a while.  I shut my finger in a door... twice.  It hurts a bit to type so like I said, updates are probably  gonna slow down for a while. 


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