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She was different from the rest. Although her hair was long, brown with a natural curl to it, like many other girls. Her skin a pale white like others and her lips the perfect shade of pink. She was still different.

"Crazy" they'd call her. Was she crazy? or was it just everyone else in the world that was crazy, and in fact, she herself was perfectly normal?


She wasn't like the rest. She was anxious, Frightened easily and she trusted nobody. She strayed away from the usual crowd, she hated everyone at her school, She was afraid of them, the fact that one single person could break her heart and not give a single care in the world that they did it.

People clattered the hallways, throwing judge-mental looks my way as i walked down the corridor, keeping my head down the entire way. I swallow as i reach my locker, frowning when i find a boy leaning against it.

i clear my throat softly although they don't seem to hear me and that's when i finally look up. 'Excuse me' i basically whisper and the boy turns his head, his eyes scanning over me. 'you are?' he asks. I swallow, fiddling my fingers, the sleeves of my sweater covering my hands.

'Thats uh- my l-locker' i stutter and he raises his eyebrows before he laughs. 'Oh.. is it really?' he questions and i nod my head, biting my lip nervously. 'What are you going to do about it?' he asks, i huff, looking everywhere but at him.

'Can you.. please move?' i whisper and he just continues to chuckle with his mates joining in on the apparent joke. 'no. i'm rather comfy' he shrugs. I let out a deep breath, turning around and beginning to walk away.

'Mate, get off the locker' someone speaks and i stop, shyly turning around to see another boy standing there, his arms crossed over his chest as he glares at the boy leaning on my locker.

'oh, what are you going to do?' she other boys asks, raising his eyebrows in a mocking manner before he smirks at the boy currently glaring at him. 'Mate, common. stop being so rude to the poor girl and move' he shrugs.

The boy pushes himself off of the locker and uses his hands, motioning to me that it was available to access now. I take in a deep breath before walking towards it, ignoring all the stares.

I unlock it quickly and open it, only to have it slammed shut on my fingers seconds later and i yelp out, pulling my fingers away. 'What the hell?!' the boy shouts, shoving the rude boy into the lockers beside mine. I bring my fingers to my lips, blowing cold air on them in an attempt to relieve the stinging pain.

'oh please, stop acting so tough Wes!' the boy shouts, shrugging him off as he pushes up from the lockers once again. 'You're not as tough as you act.' he states before walking away. I sigh before grabbing my books and locking the locker.

I swallow when i turn around to find the boy still standing there, his eyes now scanning my face before i look down, letting the hair fall over to cover my face. 'are you ok?' he asks but i don't answer, instead i stay silent.

he steps forward, reaching out and grabbing my chin, but i flinch away quickly and he raises his hands in defence. 'I'm sorry, sorry. i was just checking' he rushes out. I just swallow before brushing past him, heading down the hallway fastly with his eyes burning into my back.

Her dull blue eyes stared back through the glass mirror. Her eyes more drooped and tired than normal. She lets out a deep breath, looking down to the piece of sharp metal sitting on the tiles in front of her crossed legs.

She takes in a deep breath, a single tear sliding down her right cheek as her shakey fingers take the blade, bringing it to her already scared wrist.

She pushes down, re-opening the healed scars. She hadn't cut in a week or maybe even two, but today she had every erge. And erges were hard to fight against.

Especially when you were alone in your own bathroom with a lock on the door.

But it didn't help that her parents never gave her a second thought.They didn't care that she suffered. No. They only cared for themselves, for each other, but their daughter? no. They didn't care that she sat up late at night, crying her eyes out as she hurt herself, making herself bleed maybe a little bit more everynight.

She kept thinking of the day she would finally cut to deep, bleed just a little bit to much and lose her own life in a locked bathroom where her parents wouldn't even notice, not that they would care anyway.. she thought.

Wesley let out a deep breath as he fell onto his back on his bed, rubbing his hands over his face as he groans out. He couldn't get the girl out of his head. She filled his mind and he hadn't a clue who she was, not even her name.

She was beautiful, Pale skin and brown curly hair. Although he knew something was different with the girl. Her pale blue eyes gave him that idea that not everything was ok.

He wanted to know her, he had never seen such a beautiful girl who had such an effect on him, he felt drawn to even the thought of the beautiful girl, he wanted to find out about her, he wanted to make her happy again, because he knew she wasn't. He could feel it in his bones that something about this girl wasn't right.

He was going to try. He wanted to try and help her and he was going to try, he just hoped she would let him in, even if he had to wait a while for her to, he was willing to, because this girl was beautiful and she was special somehow. He didn't know how yet. But he knew she was special, and he wanted to stay around and find out why.

And he was determined to help her with her bullies at school, the boys who were picking on her and jammed her fingers in her own locker. he was going to be there everytime to stop them and to keep her from being hurt. He not only wanted to but he also felt the need to.

He wanted to help her from her demons to. them personal demons she had with her, hurting her when she shouldn't be hurting. she was beautiful, she deserved the world in his eyes and he was going to do everything in his power to make her see that she deserved everything. he just hoped she'd let him into her upside down world and turn it the right way up because he wanted to.

He wanted to help her.




Oh yes! i am back :D

NEW Wesley fanfiction and im excited about this one :D

I'm hoping i do good!

if you didn't already know i have another completed Wes fanfiction called 'Riptide' you should read it if you like him :)

If you don't like blood or personal problems then this probably isn't the kind of story for you, because its going to be covering real life problems that i think are important for people to know.

And i want people that read this to know that if you're struggling, i believe in you :D im here for you and i love you very much.

I think people are beautiful, inside and out and i believe no one should be treated different.

Ok sorry, enough sap

please enjoy this story and Do not comment on any chapters saying something if you don't approve of what i write or the pictures i post. You've been warned for it.

:) xx

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