Chapter 8

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

L/n - Last Name

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

Y/f/l/n - Your Friend's Last Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Alex's POV

When she left, I was still stunned by what she had told me. After a little bit, I texted Y/f/n, saying that I wanted to talk to her about Y/n and that she shouldn't let Y/n hear, although she might tell her about what I want to talk to her about.

After about 10 minutes, I got a text back saying that Y/n got home and that she would call me in a little bit after Kate left.

Honestly, I was still a little worried about Y/n, because that was a lot to tell someone, especially considering what happened when she told one of her friends.

"Ring, Ring, Ring," my phone went off, making me pick it up, see the caller was Y/f/n and answering it.

"Hello?" I heard Y/f/n's voice call out through the phone.

"Hi Y/f/n," I said.

"So, what about her did you want to talk about? She is in her room and I'm in mine, and our rooms are soundproof so she can't hear a thing," Y/f/n explained, jumping right into it.

"Well, Y/n told me about her panic disorder," I said, and as soon as I heard Y/f/n sigh, I quickly added, "I just wanted to know if there was anything that I could do to help."

"Okay, good," Y/f/n said, letting out a shaky breath, "Before I answer that, I wanted to ask you, in what way do you like Y/n?"

I blushed, thankful that she couldn't see my face, and I said,

"Promise you won't tell her?"

Y/f/n laughed, 

"Of course I won't if you don't want me too."

"Okay," I took a deep breath before saying, "I like her, like, love her in a relationship boyfriend girlfriend kinda way."

She laughed again, saying,

"I won't tell her, but I have the perfect way for you to tell her tomorrow."

"And what way is that?" I asked curiously.

"Y/n goes to therapy, and for a few weeks, they have been trying to get a therapy dog for her so that she doesn't have her panic attacks as often and when she does they aren't as bad. Anyway, her therapists found one, but they were waiting for the puppy to finish his training. He just finished his training a few days ago, but we were waiting for her birthday to give him to her. I was going to give him to her, but I think that this would be the perfect way for you to ask her out," Y/f/n explained, making me smile, but then a problem popped into my head.

"What if she doesn't like me?" I asked worriedly, Y/f/n laughing at me.

"Let me say this, if you do this tomorrow, your relationship with her will be better and stronger than before," Y/f/n said, making me nod my head and ask,

"Okay, so how do I pull this off?"

Y/f/n talked me through the plans, and a few minutes after she finished explaining the plans to me, there was a knock on her door, making both of us go silent.

I heard Y/f/n get up and open her door, and I heard Y/n's voice,

"Hey, Y/f/n, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Uh, sure, but I do have Alex on the phone right now," Y/f/n said, unexpectedly making Y/n sigh with relief and say

"Oh good, I'm assuming he told you that I told him?" Y/n asked, making me think that Y/f/n nodded because there was a silence before Y/n said, "Cool. So, I want to tell Kerry and Rob before tomorrow, just so that all of my close friends know, but I don't really want to tell them myself."

Y/f/n said,

"Hey Alex, you're on speaker if you wanna talk dude."

"Okay, thanks," I said, "Y/n, I can tell them for you if you want me to, it's only 6:30, so I could invite them over for a few hours and tell them."

"Oh, thank you so much, Alex, you truly are a lifesaver," Y/n thanked me, making me say,

"Oh I know I am babes," making all of us laugh.

Soon we said our goodbyes and then I called Kerry and Rob, and eventually, they were at my house and we were sitting around the couch, having some drinks, and then I said,

"Guys, there is something Y/n wanted me to tell you, promise you won't freak out or anything when I tell you?"

"Of course we won't Alex, what's up?" Rob asked, interested.

"Yeah, we won't, don't worry Alex," Kerry smiled, reassuring me.

So I told them what Y/n told me and after a little bit, Kerry said to me,

"So, I feel like there is more to this story, and I want to know everything and how I can help."

"Me too," Rob added.

I smiled widely and then told them what Y/f/n and I talked about, and told them that I liked Y/n and that I was going to ask her out tomorrow and how I was going to do that.

"So what do you guys think?" I asked expectantly.

"Alex," Kerry began, "I think that this is perfect. This will definitely show that you will support her even though she has a mental illness and that you will love her no matter what."

Rob nodded, and I started to open my mouth to speak, but before I could say anything, Kerry added sternly,

"Alex, you better not mess this up."

Making the three of us laugh. We continued to talk for another hour until Kerry and Rob thanked me for everything and then went home to get some rest for our plans for tomorrow.

"This is going to be a hectic and busy day tomorrow Kevin," I told my dog, petting him, "But I think I'm ready."

I grinned, and then got up and headed to bed with Kevin on my heels.

(Word Count: 1034)

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