Chapter 22

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KEY - I will post this at the beginning of every chapter as a reminder.

Y/n - Your Name

Y/f/n - Your Friend's Name

f/c - favorite color

h/l - hair length

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color


Alex's POV

Life has been crazy this last week. I've been going to physical therapy, voice lessons, and I've been trying to make up for lost time and hang out with all of my friends and the kids. Christmas was amazing, I had so much fun with everyone, it was a blast. 

But something feels off with Y/n. We all feel like she is distancing herself, closing off herself from us, if that makes sense. We're all really worried about her, but at Christmas, she was really happy and whenever we came over to talk to her, she was eccentric and always conversed with us.

Anyway, New Year's Eve is coming up, and Y/n is throwing another party. I noticed how hard she worked for her Christmas party, and I'm guessing that she will do the same for this one. I just wish that I could do something to help. 

Thanks to my physical therapy, I can walk again, but I have to use a cane to get around. I want to help her out, I really do, but it's really hard to put cookies in the oven with one hand without burning yourself while using your other hand to hold onto your cane to make sure that you don't fall into the oven yourself. Seriously, if Y/n hadn't caught me, I would have been in a lot worse shape than I am currently.

So instead I get out of her way and go outside and hang out with our friends. I also want to make up for the two months that I spent in a coma. I still don't like that I was uselessly laying in a hospital bed for 2 months while Y/n and everyone else was working their butts off to fill in for me and to make sure the world kept turning and it would be there for me when I woke up.

So currently I'm hanging out with Violet, Jessie, Kerry, Rob, and Y/f/n. Kate and Trevon were hanging out, which they've been doing a lot more of recently. Adam was busying with his own family, and Luke and Benny were doing their own things. Luke was playing football with his friends, and Benny was hanging out with a few of his friends and making music with them.

Anyway, we're at our favorite coffee shop, the Ground Triple C. We were talking about what was happening when Beetlejuice came up.

"So, how is being Lydia going?" Jessie asked Violet.

"Good," Violet replied, "It's a lot of fun."

"How is Y/n doing with playing Beetlejuice and everything in general?" Y/f/n asked, a little concerned.

"She seems like she's having a lot of fun, and she's been stage-dooring almost every day," Violet said.

"And she's been pretty busy at home, juggling work, helping us kids, making food, and preparing for the New Year's Party. But she seems to avoid us, and she seems to only talk to us if we talk to her first," Jessie finished.

"Maybe she's avoiding us because she's been so busy lately," Rob said uncertainly.

"That's what we thought too, but even when she was busier than she is now, she would always make time to play with us and sit down with us individually and just talk and laugh. Now she never sits down with us one on one and if we talk to her it's usually brief," Jessie sighed.

"Well, how has playing Rose and Delphini been? How are you juggling everything?" Kerry asked, switching gears.

Violet, Jessie, and Y/f/n looked at each other in astonishment and then Violet said,

"Um, I thought you guys knew. I quit playing Rose so that I could focus on school and playing Lydia correctly."

"You did what?!?" I asked, getting mad.

"It was a better offer anyway. And I got to work with my friends and family. Nobody in the cast of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child wanted to talk to me or get to know me and be my friend anyway. So it was better for me to just quit and work with people that will actually talk to me and help me instead of people who ignore me and never help me with anything," Violet explained.

I was slightly less mad now, but I don't understand why she would give up the opportunity to play two important roles in a Broadway production to play just one important role. And it pays less too, so it wasn't a better offer.

I think that she noticed that I was getting mad for her quitting her roles, so she told me,

"Alex, I know that you're mad, but it was for a good reason. And besides, if I couldn't play Lydia efficiently and effectively, they would have had to shut down Beetlejuice and switch over to Music Man. And I don't want to be the cause of that."

I sighed, nodding slightly. Once she seemed satisfied with my answer, she looked at everyone else to see what their reactions were. 

Kerry and Rob looked understanding, although slightly upset about her having to make such a big choice at such a young age.

We kept on talking, and then we stopped by Y/n's house to pick up Kevin, Logan, Luke, and Benny. We wanted Y/n to come with us too, but Luke and Benny said that she went out to go get some supplies, food, and drinks for the New Year's Eve party.

When we got to the dog park, we let Kevin and Logan off of their leashes, and they immediately went off together, looking at the other dogs and such, never leaving each other's sides.

As they ran around together, we watched in silence, looking at the two dogs that were practically brothers, and BFFFF's forever. Once 4 kids came in and tried to separate the two puppers. Oh, they shouldn't have tried that. 

Logan and Kevin found ways to get back to the other's side and they were never apart for longer than a minute. Once the kids let them be, they kept walking around for a little bit before racing back to us, making all of us laugh as they came to attack the kids and me with kisses.

As we walked back to Y/n's house, we all talked about the New Year's Eve party that would happen soon, and we could not wait for the party that would happen in less than 3 days.

(Word Count: 1118)

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